Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
Welcome to Breaking Boundaries, the groundbreaking podcast for Entrepreneurs that can transform your mind, body, and business with the power of integrative health.
Jeffrey Mort, Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, High Performance Health Coach, Consulting Hypnotist and widely considered a leader for coaching entrepreneurs to optimum wellness and performance, hosts this podcast that is specifically designed for Entrepreneurs who are looking for that unfair advantage. By uncovering underlying root causes and limitations, you'll discover how to break through your boundaries in health, mind and business.
Whether you're struggling with stress, chronic health issues, lack of energy, low confidence and self worth or simply looking to take your personal performance and business to the next level, Breaking Boundaries will provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration you need to begin your sustainable transformation.
Drawing upon the best of modern science and ancient wisdom, each episode of Breaking Boundaries will delve deep into the world of integrative health and brain science, exploring the latest research, proven practices, products and techniques for achieving optimal health and new ways of being. From wellness and longevity, to unlocking the power of the subconscious mind, this podcast will offer actionable steps to keep you healthy, focused and performing at your best.
Now that you're ready to break through your limitations and become your future self in life and business, join us on Breaking Boundaries. Together, we'll transform your mind, body, and business with the power of integrative health.
Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
116: Is Your Wellness Maintenance Working for You?
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Can keeping your health in check be as straightforward as maintaining your car or home? Join me, Jeffrey Mort, as we explore this intriguing analogy and uncover why sporadic health interventions may not be the answer to lasting wellness. We’ll dive into the incredible processes your body performs daily, like detoxifying and cell renewal, which demand consistent support. Delve into the fascinating world of autophagy, your body’s natural cleaning crew that can bolster your energy, focus, and longevity. Gain insight into why a proactive approach to health maintenance can lead to a more vibrant, longer life.
In a world where your health is your greatest asset, we highlight the importance of regular wellness habits. Love Energy Wellness offers a seasonal community detox that provides motivation, expert guidance, and accountability, helping you achieve tangible health benefits through a seven-day reset. Whether you join our community detox or begin with our automated program, you’ll find the flexibility and support you need to integrate these habits into your daily life. Embrace a new mindset towards health maintenance and unlock a future filled with enhanced energy, vitality, and success.
Cancer changes everything—but support makes all the difference. At Love Energy Wellness, we've created a page for science-backed research to optimize wellness during and after cancer treatment. From root cause testing & detox to stress reduction & fasting research, explore holistic ways to enhance resilience. 💪 Visit to learn more!
Looking for daily support for your wellness, weight-loss and longevity questions? If you're the kind of entrepreneur that values your health as your greatest asset, naturally you’ll want to join, and invite your friends, family and colleagues to our thriving community where you’ll feel loved, supported, seen and heard! JOIN HERE!
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>Join From The Heart: Your feel good feed packed with inspiring stories, wellness tips, and expert insights. Let’s recharge your energy, balance your vibes, and celebrate YOU every Sunday morning.
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> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required
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> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog
> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey
Have you ever cleaned out your car, organized your workspace or decluttered your home and thought that's it, I'm done for good? Well, of course not. Maintenance, as you already know, is an ongoing process. So why do we approach our health differently? Too often people do something once like a detox, a fast, a diet, expecting long lasting results. But the truth is your body, much like your car or your home, requires regular maintenance to operate at its best. In today's episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, we'll explore why a quarterly wellness maintenance plan isn't just smart. It's essential for health, longevity and peak performance. We'll dive deep into the science of autophagy, the power of intermittent fasting, and how small, consistent habits can supercharge your energy and focus. Let's get into it.
Speaker 1:Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health. And when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. And when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, yes, my friend, always grateful for you being here. I appreciate you joining me.
Speaker 1:I am Jeffrey Mort, your host and personal integrative health practitioner, and today we're talking about why one and done doesn't work when it comes to having sustainable results. So here's a mindset shift for you. Your body is constantly working for you, right? It's processing food, it's eliminating toxins, it's fighting inflammation and renewing cells every moment, every single moment. But if you only help it once in a while and then return to those old patterns that don't serve you, you can't expect optimal long-term results. So think of your liver, your body's natural detoxifier. It's processing everything that you ingest, that you breathe or absorb through your skin. Know, there's a saying in ancient Ayurveda so goes your liver, so goes your health.
Speaker 1:And so, over time, even the cleanest lifestyle can lead to a buildup of toxins that weigh down your health, and this is where regular maintenance comes in. You know, you can think of your liver as something that might get clogged, like an air filter in your home. I mean, if you've gone 10 years without changing an air filter in your air system in your home, or if you have a standalone air filter and you've pulled that out after, you know, even 12 months. It's clogged, it's inefficient. If you have a vacuum in your home, that vacuum has a bag and that bag will fill up right for all the toxins that have been vacced up into that bag, and it needs to be refreshed. It needs to be changed.
Speaker 1:Now, of course, I'm not talking about a liver transplant, but I'm talking about the maintenance that you can do. Just like you know, we'll use the analogy of your car. Your car has oil in an oil filter and it's recommended to change that every. It used to be every 3,000 miles. Now, with technology of the engines and the oil, you can actually go a little bit longer. Sometimes it's between five and ten thousand miles, but usually have an indicator on the dashboard that says your oil percent is now at zero. It's time to change that. And if you would just change the oil without changing the oil filter, well, that's like you know, changing that's like putting a dirty diaper back on a baby. It's just something that you would not do, right? You're going to change the oil, you're going to change the filter, you're going to change the air filter in your home so that you can breathe easier and have cleaner air to breathe, and your liver is no different. It needs regular maintenance.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about the power of autophagy, which it's your body's self-cleaning mechanism. And you know not to keep going back to home maintenance analogies, but just like your oven, after you know weeks or months of cooking, gets drippings in there and you know, build up charred food particles and things, and you're going to hit that self-cleaning button on your oven. It's going to go through a cycle and then, once it's cooled down, you can vacuum or wipe out the debris that's in there and, voila, your oven looks like it's brand new. So your liver needs that same attention and it has a self-cleaning feature you may or may not know, called autophagy, and autophagy it's short for autophagocytosis, so auto means self and phagy means eating. So it autophagy literally means self-eating. It's a natural process where your body cleans out damaged or dysfunctional cells to make way for new, healthy ones.
Speaker 1:We're going to talk about how to trigger this, but first let's talk about the benefits of regular autophagy, meaning a regular cadence of implementing or triggering that autophagy. And some of the benefits include reduced inflammation. You know you want healthy, balanced levels of inflammation. You know you want healthy, balanced levels of inflammation, like inflammation is an integral part of the body and its maintenance and repair program that it has. But most people have elevated levels of inflammation. So regular autophagy can reduce and balance out that inflammation. It can also improve immune function, which is extremely important, not just in the wintertime but all year round as well. Enhanced energy and focus are another benefit of autophagy. That's probably my favorite personal benefit for that. And then here's a great one you're going to really appreciate this A slowed aging process happens and improved longevity.
Speaker 1:You know longevity seems to be the latest buzzword, but it's really what people start thinking about as they get into, you know, maybe their 40s, their 50s, in their 60s. Even my dad, he's 84 and he's doing really well for 84, but he always jokes that if I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself. So improve longevity. You know people don't want to be a burden on their family when they get up in the older years. And you know I have clients that are still competing in triathlons Like they're still athletes up in their 70s. So being able to slow that aging process, you know, autophagy can reduce oxidative stress and oxidative stress is one of the leading causes of rapid aging.
Speaker 1:So intermittent fasting and functional detox protocols they activate autophagy. They actually turn on that system in the body by giving your digestive system a break and allowing your body to shift energy into repair and renewal mode Extremely important. So the role of an anti-inflammatory diet and healthy habits is just as important. When you pair regular autophagy activation with an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan, you actually create an environment where your body can thrive, not just survive, and this is super, super important. So let's go over four key pillars here of maintenance.
Speaker 1:Number one intermittent fasting. It's a simple but powerful habit to trigger autophagy and reduce inflammation. Now there's different stages and I'll take you through really quick my regular intermittent fasting program on On a daily basis I'm doing 12 to 14 hours of intermittent fasting. That may sound like a lot, but it's at night when I'm sleeping. So if I can finish dinner by 6 pm which doesn't always happen, but I do try my best and I don't get into my morning smoothie until 8 am, there's my 14-hour overnight fast, now weekly once a week, usually three times a month. So I'll take a week off from this. Once a week I will do a 24-hour fast and it sounds like a lot, but I'm actually going from 6 pm on Sunday night to 6 pm on Monday night. So most of those hours, or at least a third of those hours, I am asleep. I'm sleeping during that 24-hour intermittent fast. It's really not that bad and I'm staying hydrated, I'm staying satiated, using things like ginger tea and one scoop of daily nutritional support powder in my shakes every three and a half hours.
Speaker 1:Have a program for that. We have a podcast for that. You can scroll back um and check out the 24 hour reset diet. Um, that was probably a couple of months ago that I did that podcast episode. I don't have the number here in front of me.
Speaker 1:And then, you know so, the 24 hour fast. I will do that on a um three out of four Mondays per month and then sometimes some some weeks I will actually do that twice. Maybe once a month I will do that, but never I shouldn't say never but usually not back-to-back. It's called the 2-5 diet. So two of two of my seven days and the week would be the 24-hour fast, just not back-to-back, and then five of those days would be my regular diet. So a 2-five diet split on my seven days, and you know so. Maybe Monday, thursday I would do that, or Monday, saturday, I would do that, or something along those lines.
Speaker 1:And then quarterly. So I just took you through daily. I took you through weekly, now quarterly I go a little bit longer and I'll actually do and this might sound scary to you but a 66-hour liquid fast. So what's that look like to you? But a 66 hour liquid fast, so what's that look like? That looks like Sunday night 6 PM all the way to Wednesday at noontime, and I'm again staying hydrated and satiated using my uh daily nutritional support shakes every three and a half hours. So there'd be four shakes during the day. Um, so I'm getting all my vitamins, all my minerals, a little bit of protein not really enough to break my fast, but a little bit. And then on Wednesday I get to ramp digestion back up with a really easy to digest meal, usually like steamed veggies. All right, I'm going a little bit long on number one here intermittent fasting. Let's move on.
Speaker 1:Number two anti-inflammatory nutrition. Talking about foods, talking about clean protein, talking about healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil and avocado, and especially organic produce, which are all of these together fuel your body while minimizing stress, especially oxidative stress, in your body. Number three seasonal liver support. So helping your liver clear toxins. It prevents sluggishness, it clears up skin issues, helps with hormonal balance, helps alleviate brain fog. And what we're doing here is we're ramping up what's called phase one and phase two liver detoxification. We're giving it the nutrients it needs nutrients it needs for phase one and phase two. This includes vitamins and minerals, which a lot of people are getting that on a daily basis, but they're usually missing those phase two nutrients like glutathione, broccophane, alpha lipoic acid, trifolo, which is an ancient Ayurvedic blend of three herbs, and then milk thistle as well.
Speaker 1:So I do this seasonally, I do this myself, I do this with my clients, I do this with a group You're more than welcome to join. We'll talk about that at the end and every change of season. So, although what is it? It's December 18th here when I'm putting this podcast out and that means that we're coming up on the winter solstice, but it's in the middle of holidays I don't want to ask somebody to uh, you know, join a group right before christmas to do a seven-day functional medicine detox. So we usually do this liver support protocol. This, it's a total body and mind reset uh group program that we do right after the holidays. So winter, we'll do it again. In the spring, we'll do it again, uh, in the summertime. Set yourself up for uh summertime. And then in the fall typically in the fall, that's when I do a 21 day functional medicine detox.
Speaker 1:And then, number four daily movement. Don't overlook the benefit of daily movement. Talking about exercise, talking about sweating, these things support circulation and the detox process. And a great add-on to that daily movement is some stillness inside of a sauna, especially an infrared sauna, especially an infrared sauna with red light therapy. Now we're habit stacking and you can get the equivalent of zone two cardio like heart rate between 100 and 120 beats per minute just sitting inside the sauna while you're doom scrolling on instagram or whatever you're going to do, or you can read a book, or you can meditate, or you can listen to one of our neurotrust uh hypnosis method, hypnosis audios while you're in there and work on some subconscious reprogramming. So that's number four. Go back through those real quick. Number one intermittent fasting. Number two anti-inflammatory nutrition. Number three seasonal liver support. And, if you're keeping notes, number four was daily movement.
Speaker 1:Now, when you integrate these small habits, maintenance becomes a lifestyle, not just a one-time fix. So the importance of a seasonal reset and I may have already given this away, but your body operates differently with the changing seasons. Supporting it with, you know, regular, intentional wellness reset, like a seven-day functional medicine detox. It helps you to stay ahead of that curve. It really does. Helps you to maintain energy, helps to prevent that toxic buildup right. So you know I call it the toxin tank. My mentor, dr Stephen Cabral, he calls it the rain barrel or the rain barrel effect. He's got an amazing book. It's free. You can check it out on my website in the resource section. Click on that link. You can get his free book. It's absolutely amazing.
Speaker 1:And you know, the quarterly reset isn't just about clearing toxins. It's about giving your liver the support it needs to function optimally. It's it's also about creating space for new healthy habits to take root. If you want to know how to do all this, I have an absolutely free course for you. It's over on our Transform page, loveenergywellnesscom Transform, and I'll link that up in the show notes as well for you so you can check that out.
Speaker 1:And you know I talked about the Love Energy Wellness Community. That's where we host our seasonal maintenance support system, our Total Body and Mind Reset Program. You can go to our Transform page and check it out there. And if you want to do that with our group and our community, I'd love to have you there too.
Speaker 1:Wellness maintenance it doesn't have to be overwhelming, you don't have to do it alone. And at Love Energy Wellness, we've created that seasonal community detox group to be able to guide you through a seven-day reset with expert support, with motivation and accountability, and celebration at the end with the results that you're going to get. And if you prefer to start on your own timeline maybe it's in between seasonal changes and you want to do that on your own you can head over to our transform page and begin anytime that fits your schedule. We've completely automated that guided experience that can be delivered right to your inbox so you can take a toxicity assessment, see where you rank, you can watch the free course over there and you can get started with the you know, with the support program that we have automated for you there.
Speaker 1:So let me ask you do you have a maintenance plan for your wellness or are you leaving your health to chance? Don't wait for your body to scream for help. Give it the regular care it deserves. Join our love energy wellness community for the next seasonal detox, or visit our transform page to get started today. Your health it's your greatest asset and regular maintenance is the key to unlocking energy, vitality and success. I appreciate you for tuning in today to the breaking boundaries for entrepreneurs podcast. I'll see you in the next episode and I'll see you in the community. Take care everybody.