Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

113: Is Your Gratitude Rooted in Fear? Try This Instead!

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 113

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Unlock the secret to transforming your life and business with a subtle shift in mindset. Jeffrey Mort, your personal consulting hypnotist, takes you on an energetic journey to discover how the gratitude you practice may be linked to fear or scarcity, and why this could be holding you back from achieving true abundance. By adding this one element to you gratitude, you’ll align your energy with the success you desire. This powerful, yet often overlooked distinction, promises to elevate your entrepreneurial journey to new heights of joy and fulfillment.

Join Jeffrey as he shares personal insights and client experiences, illustrating the profound impact that the missing piece can have. Explore the double-edged nature of gratitude and why the emotions driving it are crucial to its effectiveness. Learn how to detach from fear and scarcity, and embrace the full potential of appreciation. This episode is a game-changer for entrepreneurs eager to break free from limiting beliefs and align their energy with the life and business outcomes they truly desire. Tune in to discover how this simple shift can be the key to breaking boundaries and achieving unparalleled success.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, where we explore bold strategies to create the success and freedom that you deserve. I'm Jeffrey Moore, your personal consulting hypnotist, and today we're subtle but powerful. Distinction can help you break through mental and emotional boundaries to attract more joy, more abundance and success into your life and your business. We're going to explore in today's episode why gratitude can sometimes be counterproductive when it comes from a certain place, and then you'll discover how shifting to appreciation can align your energy with the outcomes you truly desire. Stay tuned, hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you If you're ready to take your energy and performance? Yes, I'm always grateful and I appreciate you being here today on the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast. I invite you to scroll down in the show notes and click on that. Send us a message feature and let us know what your favorite episode of this year was. I'd love to hear that from you. And you know, in regards to today's topic, I've been practicing gratitude seriously since about 2014, when I got into the wellness industry, and you know my practice has transformed over the years, and today it's no different. Well, it's changed over the years and today it's no different. Well, it's changed over the years, but this time of year Thanksgiving season you know Thanksgiving isn't just a day. In my opinion, it's a season that you know, kind of changes our dynamic and you know it can be stressful for so many people, but it doesn't have to be that way. For me, it's more of a time of reflection, of ease, of flow, of inner peace, like more than usual. So it's an entire season for me and I'm bringing that to you here Today in this episode. I've been podcasting since about 2019, and every year I talk about the topic of gratitude around this season, and today we're giving a little bit different approach on it, where, you know, this subtle shift has made major changes for the better in my life and in the lives of my clients as well, as I teach them the strategy. And today we're going to talk about that.

Speaker 1:

So let's get into it. You know we're going to about that double-edged sword of gratitude, and you may not have realized that gratitude does have a double-edged sword. So gratitude is often seen as the ultimate solution to everything Better relationships, greater happiness and even more wealth. But here's the thing If you're practicing gratitude while carrying an undertone of fear, or an undertone of lack or an undertone of scarcity. You may actually be. No wait, let me backtrack. You are holding yourself back. There's no, maybe. Uh. So let me paint you a picture. You're saying I'm grateful for my business, even though it's barely breaking. Even so, on the surface that sounds positive, right, but underneath, your energy is broadcasting a very different message. You saying I'm afraid this isn't sustainable. Remember the. The kicker is the universe doesn't respond to your words, it responds to your frequency. Everything, as Einstein said, everything is frequency and vibration. Even Tesla said you know, think of terms of frequency and vibration. So if your gratitude comes from fear, you're reinforcing scarcity, not a bent, not abundance. So while gratitude it's extremely important, it's not the whole story. It's what's driving your gratitude that makes or breaks its effectiveness. So I'm gonna give you the missing link here.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about appreciation. This is the game changer that most people overlook. Appreciation is all about recognizing the value and the beauty in what's right in front of you, without attaching that to fear or scarcity. So we're detaching from that fear, we're detaching from the scarcity, we're detaching from the outcome. This is practicing the law of detachment, which could be a whole, a whole nother episode. So, for example, instead, instead of saying I'm grateful for the clients that I have, even though I wish I had more right, so in that statement we're saying I'm grateful for the clients that I have, but right so it's that. But is usually an attachment to fear or lack or scarcity you can actually say I truly appreciate the clients I get to serve every day. They allow me to grow, they allow me to create and they deliver my best work. See the difference.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude when done right, when done right, focuses on the bigger picture. Appreciation, however, brings you into the present moment, where abundance already exists. It's just waiting for you to arrive. When you shift into a state of appreciation, your energy becomes expansive and aligned with opportunity, and this is where you know not to use a cliche term, but this is where the law of attraction comes into play. When you appreciate what you have, you elevate your vibration. That frequency becomes a magnet for more, more joy, more opportunities, more success, more abundance. Remember, abundance follows joy and, as entrepreneurs, this is critical. You can't operate from a place of fear and expect to attract abundance. Shifting your mindset to appreciation actually clears the path for the abundance that you've been looking for. So let me give you some practical steps to shift your vibration. You're probably wondering. You know how do I apply this in my day-to-day, especially as a busy entrepreneur. So let's get really practical here.

Speaker 1:

Number one audit your gratitude practice. The next time you express gratitude, check in with your energy. Are you coming from a place of trust and abundance, or is there an undertone of lack or fear or scarcity? Number two integrate appreciation daily. Start noticing and appreciating the little things throughout your day. It could be the way a team member handled a challenge. It could be a way that you know the quiet morning before your first call and you can make that quiet part of your day as well. Make time for appreciation or even the comfort of your favorite coffee mug. Number three reframe challenges. Instead of saying I'm grateful, this problem isn't worse, do you see how that has that connotation of waiting for the other shoe to drop? You can try appreciating the growth opportunity that it provides. This subtle shift takes you from reactive to empowerment. It's the difference between choice and reaction.

Speaker 1:

Number four leverage your subconscious mind. Your beliefs are the foundation of your vibration. If you're struggling to align your desires and your beliefs, it might be time to peel back that onion and look at a deeper level. This is where something like clinical hypnosis, transformational hypnosis and subconscious work can come into play and benefit you as not just an entrepreneur, but as a human being who's looking for something more in your life. So, entrepreneurs and I have a lot of health coaches that listen to this podcast as well this is Thanksgiving week and I challenge you to rethink how you approach gratitude and appreciation, but not just this week. I challenge you to do this throughout the rest of the year or whenever you're listening to this episode, for the next week, for the next two weeks, for the next 30 days, for the next 90 days. Make this a personal challenge for yourself to reframe how you approach gratitude and then up level in that emotional scale to appreciation.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude is powerful, yes, but when you elevate to a state of appreciation, you align with the frequency of abundance, and that is where the magic happens, not just in your business, but in every area of your life. It could be in business, it could be in relationships, it could be in health, it could be in mindset, every single area of your life and when you're ready to bridge that gap between your desires and your beliefs for real, lasting, sustainable results. I invite you to take that first step. With a completely free neurotrust method of hypnosis consultation, we can explore how to leverage your subconscious mind to align your energy and attract the success that you deserve. So you can go over to loveenergywellnesscom schedule your complimentary consultation today. It's a completely complimentary 60-minute consultation for hypnosis or a completely complimentary 20-minute consultation for health. Over there. You can find the link in the show notes or at loveenergywellnesscom. And, as always, I thank you for tuning in to the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs podcast and I will see you in the next episode. Bye-bye, everybody.

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