Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

107: Busting 10 Myths About Aging: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You!

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 107

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Unlock the secrets to aging with vitality and challenge the myths that hold you back! Discover how fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain aren't just inevitable side effects of getting older, but can often signal underlying health imbalances. We'll guide you through integrative health strategies that tackle these issues head-on, proving that you can maintain energy, focus, and productivity at any age. Dive into the concept of the nocebo effect, where negative expectations set by authority figures can manifest real symptoms, and learn how to rewrite your health narrative with a proactive, holistic approach.

Explore how personalized wellness plans and at-home functional lab testing can transform your health journey. We emphasize the critical role of gut health and its direct impact on both personal well-being and business performance. From understanding the benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet to utilizing advanced epigenetic testing, this episode is packed with actionable insights. Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking to boost performance or simply want to age gracefully, you'll find powerful tools and inspiration to reclaim your vitality and defy the conventional wisdom of aging.
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Speaker 1:

Are you in your 40s, your 50s or 60s and starting to feel like your body is just not keeping up like it used to? Maybe your doctor has told you that fatigue, weight gain or brain fog are just a normal part of aging. But what if I told you that doesn't have to be your reality? In today's episode, we're busting some of the most common myths about aging and giving you real solutions to not only feel better, but to thrive. So stay tuned. You won't want to miss this one.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here, yes, grateful. Welcome back to the breaking boundaries for entrepreneurs podcast. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, your personal integrative health practitioner and high performance health coach, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs like you achieve peak performance through integrative health and wellness.

Speaker 1:

And today we're diving into a topic that's going to resonate with a lot of you the myths we've all been told about aging. Now, if you're in your 40s or your 50s, or even your 60s, chances are you've heard from your doctor that some things like low energy or weight gain or brain fog are just a normal part of aging. But I am here to tell you that that's not the whole story. In fact, those symptoms that you've been told are normal might actually be signals from your body that something is off and needs to be rebalanced. So let me ask you this have you ever left a doctor's appointment feeling frustrated, feeling like your symptoms weren't really addressed? That is what. That. What you're experiencing is just a fact of life. Well, today we're going to take a different perspective, an integrative health perspective, and explain why you don't have to settle for that story. Look, I get it. You're running a business, you're busy, you're probably dealing with some of those so-called normal aging issues, but the last thing you want to hear when you're trying to push through your day is that this is just how it is now. That leaves a lot of us wondering why and especially, you know not only why is this happening? As an integrative health practitioner, that's my job to always discover why, to keep asking the question why? But maybe your why is asking why do conventional doctors and integrative health practitioners seem to have such different views?

Speaker 1:

Now, before we dive in, I want to introduce you to something called the nocebo effect. Now, you've probably heard of the placebo effect, where people actually feel better because they believe a treatment will help them, such as a sugar pill and a double-blind placebo study or something along those lines. But the nocebo effect is the exact opposite. When you're told, especially by a perceived authority figure such as a doctor or a teacher or whatever the case may be, that something negative is going to happen, like feeling more tired or gaining weight or dealing with aches and pains as you age, your body can actually start to experience those symptoms just because you expect them. Expectation is a very powerful thing. Now, when a doctor says this is just a normal part of aging, it can actually create a mindset that makes you more likely to accept and even, in some cases, manifest those symptoms. As you already know from listening to the breaking boundaries podcast, the subconscious mind and your beliefs are a very powerful system. So why is this important for today's topic? Because if you're told that fatigue, low libido or weight gain are inevitable. It shapes your expectations, and that's where integrative health comes in. We challenge that narrative and say no, there is another way. There is another way. So we're going to dig deeper into the root causes and show you how you can not only feel better, but perform at your highest level in life and business, no matter what age you're at. So here we go, busting the 10 myths about aging. Let's jump in to some of the most common things that people over 40 hear from their doctors, and you might recognize some of these. And, more importantly, I want you to know that there's always another way to look at them. And if any of these resonate with you, scroll down in the show notes, hit that send us a message button and let me know which one of these resonates the most with you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, number one and my favorite, because this is my specialty fatigue and low energy. What your doctor says you're getting older, of course you're tired. Now have you ever heard your doctor say that? I know I have. I know a lot of my clients have told me that their doctor has said that. Now what integrative health says is that your energy levels can stay high. They can. Fatigue is often linked to issues like depletion in your electrolytes, which can cause adrenal fatigue, also hormonal imbalances, especially inflammation. So you know, with the right rebalancing your energy can be restored Again. This is my passion with energy and performance. I could go on and on, so I'm just going to put a pin in that right there and we can get back to that one another time. I want to get through all 10 of these and I respect your time, so I'm trying to keep this episode short, like 15 or 20 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Number two weight gain, especially around the belly, so belly fat. And you might, your doctor might, say you know it's normal to gain weight with age, especially around the belly, so belly fat. And you might, your doctor might, say you know it's normal to gain weight with age, especially around the middle. That is not true. That is, that is not true. It might be common, but it's certainly not normal. Now what integrative health says is that weight gain is not inevitable. By addressing things like insulin resistance, thyroid issues, elevated cortisol levels or gut health, you can manage your weight at any age. You can get to your ideal weight at any age.

Speaker 1:

Number three declining libido and sexual dysfunction. Now, what your doctor might say is that it's just part of aging and there's nothing you can do For men, you know here, take this little blue pill as needed, and that's not the case. No, I've been down that path and I was, you know, not recently, at a much younger age. I was in my oh geez, I was in my 40s and I said this is just not, this is not right. This doesn't make me feel good Morally, it doesn't make me feel good. It doesn't make me feel good Morally. It doesn't make me feel good and it didn't make me feel good physically. It took a huge toll on my health and my well-being, mental well-being and I did something about it and I was able to reverse that. So I am proof that declining libido and sexual dysfunction is not just a part of aging. Now, integrative health says that sexual health is connected to your overall well-being. It certainly is, I can't emphasize that enough. And balancing your hormones and addressing stress or nutritional deficiencies, especially inflammation, that plays a big role in it too. That can reignite that spark, my friends.

Speaker 1:

So number four aches and pains and stiffness. This is probably one of the more common ones, and your doctor might say you know your body's wearing out. It's normal to be stiff and sore at your age. Here's some anti-inflammatories and you know we'll take it from there. Or sometimes, you know, I I always go back to that model that's taught and this kind of goes back to the difference between, uh, conventional medicine and integrative health. Like no disrespect to the conventional medicine practitioners uh, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, medical doctors like they got into the industry, they got into that line of work to be able to help people and they took an oath to do no harm. Yet they were indoctrinated by a system that is driven by the pharmaceutical company. Did I say that? Yeah, I did say that. So, um, you know, going back to that drug zap cut model, uh it's. There is definitely another way.

Speaker 1:

Now, what integrative health says about aches and pains and stiffness is that inflammation is always often well, I shouldn't say always inflammation is often the root cause of pain and it can be reduced with the right diet and lifestyle changes. Now, you know, not everything comes back to diet, but, yes, an anti-inflammatory diet. But the lifestyle changes could be exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science, back supplementation and, of course, that success mindset is so powerful as well, and that ties all back to what we were taught at the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute for the de-stress protocol, now number five, memory decline and those senior moments. I'm putting that in air quotes if you're not watching this on video, and what your doctor might say is that, you know, everyone gets forgetful with age, it's just common, you know. So maybe take notes or write things down or, you know, ask for help. That's not the truth, you know. I know plenty of people well into their 80s clients as well that are still sharp as a tack. So what's the difference? What is the difference? There's a lot of things that they do that the average person doesn't do. And again, your lifestyle choices that you make may have a deeper impact on your cognitive performance than those same lifestyle regiments would have on somebody else. So this is where we get into bioindividual excuse me, bioindividuality. Now, what integrative health says about memory decline in senior moments is that cognitive decline can be slowed, stopped or even reversed by addressing things like oxidative stress, inflammation, nutrient deficiencies. I could go on and on. And because we're talking about some of these medical conditions and diseases, of course I'm not claiming to diagnose, treat or cure anything here, but there is substantial evidence and proof and clinical practice that shows that the steps that we take as integrative health practitioners can certainly rebalance the body. Now we're not saying that we are curing anything, but we are removing the toxicities, we're replacing deficiencies and we're rebalancing the body, and then those symptoms just mysteriously disappear.

Speaker 1:

Number six poor sleep. I could go on and on about this one as well. Sleep is so foundational in any wellness plan. But what your doctor might say is that it's normal to sleep less as you age. Now, that is a huge social misnomer that a lot of people say. But doctors are saying it too and they're doing their patients a huge disservice by saying that it's normal to sleep less or you need less sleep as you get older. It's actually the reverse. So that is not a true statement, and integrative health says that you should be able to enjoy restful sleep at any age by addressing imbalances, especially in cortisol, melatonin stress, oxidative stress as well. You know we can. We can look at all of these things through lab testing. We'll talk a little bit more about the lab testing when we get through these 10, and we can certainly rebalance all of these so that you get a really great night's sleep, like I sleep so good compared to how I used to in the past.

Speaker 1:

So number seven mood swings, anxiety and depression. Now your doctor might say that your mood changes as you age and it's just a part of life. Here, here's some antidepressants or here's some pharmaceuticals, and you know I say that tongue-cheek, I'm not making light of the situation, because anxiety and depression can certainly be debilitating and it's it's nothing to be joked about. However we can, we can get that under control naturally. So integrative health says that emotional well-being is deeply connected to gut health, deeply connected to hormones, deeply connected to stress levels and deeply connected to hormones, deeply connected to stress levels. And by addressing these root causes we can bring stability and, yes, even happiness back into your life completely naturally, without pharmaceuticals. And don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for those medications for immediate intervention, and that's why we're practicing integrative health here, not alternative medicine. I am not balking conventional medicine whatsoever. There is a time and a place for it, but a lot of times we can get that under control through integrative health.

Speaker 1:

Now number eight loss of muscle mass and strength. Your doctor may say that sarcopenia is inevitable. So just deal with it. Now, if you're unfamiliar with that term, sarcopenia, that is the loss of muscle mass and the loss of strength. Now, integrative health says that strength can be mitigated with the right nutrition, with the right hormone balance and consistent movement, and I can attest to this as well.

Speaker 1:

You know I work with, or I go to a well I work out with, and I'm friendsest to this as well. You know I work with, or I go to a well I work out with, and I'm friends with, a muscle and bone specialist. You've heard me talk about him before and he told me back a while ago I was in my 40s when he told me that you know, there's a, there's a point in a person's life where they're no longer able to build muscle and they can pretty much maintain what they have, but there's a point where they cannot build muscle and if they're not doing things to maintain what they have, they can start losing muscle at a rapid rate, which is called sarcopenia. And this was this was actually frightening to me and I said you know, I've never gotten my body to the point as far as body transformation and muscle building to where I wanted it to. So at that point I started working towards that and now you know I'm happy to say that I'm at the point that I wanted to be at. And now, you know, I'm kind of you know to toot my own horn, but I'm kind of impressed with the transformation that I was able to do in a short amount of time to get to where I wanted to be, and now I can just simply maintain that or take it to the next level if I choose to do that.

Speaker 1:

So number nine is next thinning hair and dry skin. What your doctor might say is that it's normal for hair to thin and skin to dry out with age. Now, integrative health says that these changes are often tied to things like thyroid or nutrient imbalances and they can be improved with the right supplements and dietary changes. So you know, for men there's one, maybe two, usually specific instances or reasons why, underlying root causes, why hair starts thinning, falling out or great premature graying. And for women, there's about seven reasons. I could go into that in a different episode. If you'd like me to shoot me a message, use that send, send the message feature and let me know if you want me to do a podcast on hair loss, and I'd be happy to do that as well.

Speaker 1:

So number ten, last but not least, digestive issues things like bloating and constipation and indigestion. You may have heard from your doctor, your primary care, that digestive issues are normal as you get older. Nothing could be further from the truth. Integrative health says that gut health can be optimized and digestive issues can be resolved through adjustments in diet and healing and sealing the gut. So gut healing protocols we have an amazing one, um, and it's a three-month protocol with a three-month finisher uh, absolutely amazing. And you know might be thinking, wow, jeff, you know, three months or six months, that's, that's a lot of work to put in and it's really not because it took decades of you know things happening, whether it was, uh, medication use, pharmaceuticals, viral infections, like there's so many things that can disrupt the gut, environmental toxicities. It took a lifetime of those things to get you where you are. Three months is not a lot to ask to be able to rebalance your gut and get rid of that bloating and constipation and indigestion.

Speaker 1:

And you know we're going to talk about lab testing in a minute. There's certainly easy at-home, functional lab testing you can do to discover the root causes of that bloating and that constipation and that indigestion. So let's get into that. The good news, if you've been told, any of these things are just part of aging. I'm here to tell you that they don't have to be Over at Loving to Do Wellness, my private wellness practice we use the at-home functional lab testing to be able to reveal right. That's the first R in the five R's that you've heard me talk about before in the podcast. You can go back and listen to the five R's podcast but reveal the underlying root causes of these issues is the first R.

Speaker 1:

And whether it's hormonal imbalances, whether it's deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, or imbalances and minerals or toxicities you know there's so many toxicities, I'm not going to list them, but we have these lab tests that can be able to pinpoint what we are dealing with. Because if you're, if you don't know what you're dealing with, you're only guessing, and so when you get those test results, it's not just about knowing the information, but once we have those test results, we can actually craft a personalized wellness plan. This is what we call bio individualized wellness plans, designed specifically for your body to rebalance and vitalize your health. And you know, that's kind of the issue I have with these one-size-fits-all programs that are out there is that if they're not doing the initial testing, then they may help the majority of people, or some. You know a handful of people that are coming to them, but it's certainly not individualized for those people. And then, for those of you who are looking to take it even further, we offer advanced epigenetic testing through our high-performance, health based, optimized program.

Speaker 1:

So you know, in addition to the five or six primary lab tests that we run and you know these don't involve a phlebotomist, you don't have to go to the lab, these get shipped right to your home. They're super easy to do. They come with instructions. You do everything right from your phone. The information is all private, it's secure, it's not shared with insurance companies or a medical doctor or your spouse or anybody, unless you want to completely confidential. These are, you know, the highest level of functional lab testing. They're CLIA certified, which is like the gold standard in lab testing. But in addition to those functional lab tests, we also have the genetic testing that we do.

Speaker 1:

So, in addition to MTHFR and APOE genotype, that this test also reveals your biological age, which is it can be a powerful indicator of how fast your body is actually aging or aging in Reverse. So not just what the calendar says, that would be your chronological age, but your biological age, and just taking this test once doesn't really you know. It gives you the information on MTHFR and APOE genotype. That's great, because that's not going to change. However, your biological age is the key, and if we do this lab test at a six month interval or 12 month interval, we can actually see that the work that we're doing is reversing your biological age, which is absolutely amazing.

Speaker 1:

This isn't just about living longer. It's about increasing your health span so you could enjoy longevity with vitality and high performance for years to come. Now you may or may not know that 100 years old is quickly becoming the new 70, with the you know, the modern science and the ancient wisdom that's been out there for uh, you know, 6 000 years with Ayurveda to be able to help to live a long, healthy life, and, of course, the modern science with things like you know, high performance, health and epigenetic testing absolutely amazing. And I'm here to help you beat the law of averages in the US, because the law of averages, it's not even a law, but the average in the United States is to retire at 66 and expire at 77. Like, what kind of math is that Like? You work your whole life and you get to retire on the average age of 66 and the average lifespan in the US is 77 years old. Like that's really not fair. You get 11 years and those 11 years are going to be filled with, you know, chronic aches and pains and issues and pharmaceuticals and side effects. And you know and issues and pharmaceuticals and side effects and poor cognitive decline.

Speaker 1:

I'm here to tell you there's a better way. So here's why this all matters. As entrepreneurs and business owners, our health directly impacts our business, and when we have energy, when we have focus and vitality, it shows in our work. But if we're dragging through the day struggling with fatigue and weight gain and brain fog, our business suffers too. So why not take that first step towards feeling your best? If any of these resonate with you, I encourage you to take the next step and head on over to love and edu wellness comm. Schedule your completely complimentary consultation. Let's uncover what's really going on in your body and create a plan that works for you so you can thrive in life and in business for a long, long time. Remember, aging doesn't have to mean slowing down. Until next time, keep breaking boundaries.

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