Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

106: Transforming POTS Challenges into Entrepreneurial Success through Integrative Health Strategies

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 106

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What if you could transform debilitating health challenges into a thriving personal and professional life? Join me, Jeffrey Mort, as we unravel the complexities of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) that often burden entrepreneurs. Drawing from my own journey through the tumult of POTS like symptoms after multiple viral infections like COVID-19, I share the power of integrative health strategies that look beyond mere symptom management. Discover how identifying root causes such as nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances can empower you to regain control over your health and energy.

Embark on a journey towards healing with an integrative approach that goes beyond what conventional medicine offers. We explore the five R's—Reveal, Remove, Replace, and more—through the lens of functional health tests, aiming to pinpoint and tackle underlying imbalances. Our discussion promises not just hope but practical steps for rebalancing your body, helping you excel in both life and business. You’re invited to connect with our community for support, share your stories, and take advantage of free consultations at . Let’s break the boundaries of health and entrepreneurship together.

Cancer changes everything—but support makes all the difference. At Love Energy Wellness, we've created a page for science-backed research to optimize wellness during and after cancer treatment. From root cause testing & detox to stress reduction & fasting research, explore holistic ways to enhance resilience. 💪 Visit to learn more! 

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, boundary breakers and driven entrepreneurs. I see you juggling a million things at once building your business, taking care of your family and trying to stay on top of your own health. But what happens when your body starts feeling like it's working against you? Maybe you're feeling exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get, or you stand up and suddenly the room spins. It's hard to focus when your hearts racing out of nowhere and the brain fog makes it impossible to get through your to-do list. If you've been trying to power through some of these symptoms, frustrated that no one has answers and nothing seems to help, you're not alone. The good news you don't have to keep guessing or feeling stuck. In today's episode, we're sharing a proven plan to help you take back control of your health and your energy. Tune in as we explore what conventional medicine calls this and the real root causes behind these symptoms, and we give you the integrative health approach to rebalance and recharge so you can show up fully for yourself, your family and your businesses. Stay tuned, hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here yes, always grateful for you joining me here today on the Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. I'm grateful you're here. Sent us a message. Her name is Venus and she listened to episode 105, which was our interview with Christopher Dini of Christopher's organic botanicals. She says I love this interview. My life was saved and changed in 2017 when I saw a video about kratom tea and paraphrasing here, and I got very lucky and Christopher's Organic Botanicals was the first place I found. Nothing else helped my chronic issues no more monthly doctor's appointments, but I'm able to live life and I'd love to share my story.

Speaker 1:

We do a show called the Kratom Gals Show, correcting Misinformation. Thank you so much. Well, thank you, venus, for writing in. I appreciate that and we'll definitely reach out and catch your story and see if we can share it on a podcast episode, and I'm going to check out the Kratom Gals Show and I'm sure you have probably a podcast or YouTube channel or something like that, so I will find it. I will check it out and I look forward to being in touch and to any listeners out there.

Speaker 1:

If you're interested in sending us a message, I make it really easy. It's right in the show notes. You just click the send us a message link and if you want to reply, you can leave a way to get ahold of you, because I'm not able to directly respond to those messages. However, if you leave a way for me to reply, the best way I certainly can reach back out and looking forward to hearing from you. Whether it's a question on health issues, chronic health issues, mindsets, neuroplasticity, you know, hypnosis or if you have a suggestion for a show, a suggestion for a, a guest, that's how you can reach out to us. It's right there in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So today we are tackling a topic that affects literally millions of people yet often flies under the radar, and, if you couldn't guess from the intro, it's something that is known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or postural, I should say orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or more commonly known as POTS, or POTS for short, and for those who may not be familiar with POTS, it's a condition that impacts the autonomic nervous system. There's several parts of the nervous system, but the autonomic nervous system. There's several parts of the nervous system, but the autonomic nervous system, often causing things like dizziness, rapid heart rate, fatigue and a host of other debilitating symptoms. Now you know when these symptoms are all happening at once. You go to your doctor and explain like this is happening, that's happening, this is happening, that's happening. And they put all these symptoms together and it's in a group and they slap a label on it and they call it something that is usually what your diagnosis is is nothing more than a label given to a name uh, I should say a name or label given to a group of symptoms. So if you are somebody that you know or love has pots, you know how disruptive it can be to daily life.

Speaker 1:

But, as we're about to discover, there is hope, and today we're exploring how integrative health can help to rebalance the body and empower you to stand strong against pots. Now, of course, I got to give you my disclaimer. I don't provide any medical advice and I don't claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, but what we do is we get to the root cause of the problem through integrative health. And how do I know this works? Because I had all those symptoms. I had all those symptoms A lot of times.

Speaker 1:

Pots is something that is diagnosed after a post viral infection. So you know, viral infection it could be Epstein-Barr virus, it could be herpes simplex virus, it could be coronavirus, and you know the list goes on and on. But personally, I had contracted the coronavirus, as millions of people do around the world, but I ended up having it four times actually and you know, as you might know, my story. I've shared that on several podcasts but I had a lot of these symptoms after that. So a lot of people are diagnosed with POTS after going through COVID and long COVID and things like that Myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome. You know it's all synonymous with these symptoms that they call POTS. So let's start with the basics. And you know, going back through some of those episodes and listening to my story, you know and I'm happy to openly share this that I was able to overcome these things. So you know, when I said we're discussing and discovering that there's hope. There's hope because I am living proof of that and so many of my clients my private wellness practice clients are living proof of that as well, and not just my clients. There are 5,000 integrative health practitioners out there practicing integrative health and getting the same results, and it's absolutely amazing. So let's start with the basics.

Speaker 1:

What is POTS? It's a form of dysautonomia. We've kind of already established that Meaning. It's a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, the system responsible for functions like blood pressure, like heart rate and digestion the things that you don't have to think about. When a person with pot stands up, their blood doesn't circulate as it should, leading to a rapid increase in heart rate, often causing things like lightheaded, lightheadedness or dizziness, or sometimes even fainting. So, yeah, it could be absolutely dangerous or even life threatening. I mean, if you stood up quick and fainted and were uh, you know, happened to hit your head on something, I mean that could be lights out forever for you. So, uh, definitely serious. And you know my, my previous career, way back when in the construction, construction industry, like you know, I was in some pretty uh dangerous height situations or, um, you know places where, if I got dizzy and fell, I mean it that that could be the end of it for me. So, you know, certainly, depending on, uh, where you are in, uh, in your career and what you're doing for work, but, you know, could certainly be dangerous for you.

Speaker 1:

So, while conventional medicine this is where it gets deep. Well, conventional medicine has its place in managing POTS symptoms, because that's really what they do, is they? They palliate symptoms and they manage symptoms, often using medications. Specifically, they like to prescribe beta blockers, which you know when you're on a beta blocker it can actually make you know they have good intentions they really do but it can make the situation worse. I'm not going to go deep into how that happens, but beta blockers are usually their go-to for POTS Many individuals. They find that those solutions don't fully address the root cause. We'll just leave it at that, and this is where integrative health can truly shine.

Speaker 1:

So now, if you've been following me for a while, you know that I've changed careers and I'm fully immersed in integrative health. To say I'm a huge advocate of it is certainly an understatement. I've made it my life to help other people with integrative health. You know to say I'm a huge advocate of it is certainly an understatement. I've made it my life, uh, to help other people with integrative health. And integrative health focuses on getting to the root causes of imbalances. So with pots, it's often not just one thing causing the symptoms. There could be nutritional deficiencies, there could be hormonal imbalances, there could be inflammation, there could be toxicities in the body that exacerbate the condition. There could be all of those things that make it even worse. Okay, so let's break down how integrative health approaches can help you regain balance, and we're going to apply the five R's and you might be familiar with that from episode 93. If you didn't listen to that, go back and listen to episode 93. So the five hours.

Speaker 1:

Number one reveal. We start by identifying what is out of balance. Functional health tests like the minerals and metals test, the candida metabolic and vitamins test, or even the stress mood metabolism test, can all show us where the deficiencies and toxicities lie. Often with pots, we see low levels of important electrolytes like magnesium or sodium and potassium in particular we'll talk about that in a moment or imbalances in stress hormones like cortisol, very, very important, and you can check out all of our lab tests over at loveenergywellnesscom slash shop or you can go jeffreymortoncom slash shop same, uh, same place and you can check out the lab tests there. But reveal, starting with discovering those underlying root causes. That is the most important place to start Now.

Speaker 1:

Next, the second R remove. Once we reveal the underlying imbalances. It's time to remove what's harming the body. This can be excess inflammation, it can be heavy metals or even stealth harmful pathogens that are contributing to the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. That are contributing to the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Speaker 1:

Number three we replace. We replace deficiencies with targeted nutrition, with hydration and supplementation as well. For example, increasing sodium and potassium intake, along with vital minerals, can significantly help with removing POTS symptoms, and I'm going to tell you how to do that in just a minute. This is something you most likely will not get from your conventional medicine practitioner. So number four rebalance.

Speaker 1:

Rebalancing the nervous system is critical. I mean, you know, if you break down integrative health to one word, it's balance. Balance is the key. So rebalancing the nervous system is critical. Techniques like breath work and I know you might be saying is breath work really going to help? Not by itself, but it's going to be part of the multifaceted protocol that we would implement for something like POTS. So techniques like breath work, meditation and even my personal favorite, tai Chi or Qigong Ancient practices that have a modern scientific backing can help reduce stress and support the parasympathetic nervous system.

Speaker 1:

This is your rest and relax, your rest and digest nervous system branch Very important. And then, of course, rest and digest nervous system branch Very important. And then, of course, retain. Lastly, we want to retain that newfound balance, and this is where the long-term lifestyle changes come into play, whether it's optimizing sleep or improving nutrition or keeping up with daily movement practices to prevent symptom flare-ups. Our Abundant Energy Program is a great self-paced entry level for this, or our New Beginnings or Optimized programs for a more direct one-to-one coaching experience. You can check out our programs over at 11agwellnesscom slash programs and you can learn more over there. So now I know it all sounds great on paper or audio in this case, you're probably thinking but what about real life, jeffrey?

Speaker 1:

I've worked with clients who struggled with POTS for years and by applying these integrative health principles they've been able to rebalance, which in turn removes the root causes of their symptoms, increasing their energy and, most importantly, regaining symptoms. Increasing their energy and, most importantly, regaining control over their health and over their lives. So one client in particular comes to mind after years of debilitating fatigue and dizziness, she began a program that included testing, detoxification, nutritional balancing, rebalancing, targeted supplementation, mindful movement. I mean we went through the entire, the entire de-stress protocol diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science, back supplementation and, most importantly, success mindset. Within just a few months, her flare-ups were disappearing and she was able to get back to doing the things she loved without being controlled by her condition.

Speaker 1:

So if you or a loved one is living with POTS, this is the part where we start to take action. And what can you do right now? You might be wondering. Well, the steps that you can take today. I'm going to give you some action items right here. You can implement these right away.

Speaker 1:

So, number one hydrate, hydrate, hydrate Electrolyte imbalances are common, as I mentioned earlier in pots, so make sure you're getting enough clean elemental hydration. Now, not all water is created equal. When I say clean, you want to make sure that you're drinking something that has been filtered, removing heavy metals, removing pathogens, removing toxicities very important to have clean, filtered water to podcast for another day. Elemental hydration what does that look like? Throughout the day? Add electrolytes to your water if necessary. Most likely, it's necessary if you're dealing with dizziness or POTS-like symptoms. And again, not medical advice, but something as simple as a couple of pinches of real salt.

Speaker 1:

So Redmond Real Salt. You know I have no affiliation with them whatsoever Redmond, real Salt you can get that at any local supermarket on Amazon and a squeeze of fresh organic lemon juice. So about half a lemon in there is going to give you the potassium and the electrolyte, and then the real salt is going to give you the sodium and that's a great balance for you right there. And then you know, I recommend the lemon in the morning and the lime in the afternoon. So if you're struggling with some of these symptoms, you might want to wake up and do that electrolyte drink in the morning with lemon, lemon and then in the afternoon do it with lime. And consistency is the key. So every single day you probably want to be doing this. For, honestly, you know you might not see a difference within a week, but you know for three to four months you'd be wanting to do this. It takes a while to be able to rebalance the body. You know your condition didn't happen overnight, so we're not going to reverse things overnight with just drinking lemon water. However, consistency with those electrolytes are going to replenish the adrenals and give your body the building blocks that it needs to be able to stay balanced.

Speaker 1:

Next next actionable item Test. Don't guess. Consider functional health testing to get a clearer picture of what's really going on inside of your body. Yes, blood work is great and it has its place, and it's definitely necessary on an annual basis, but it's just not the same as subclinical lab testing with at-home functional medicine labs, that is for sure. So over at Levin G Wellness, we offer these at-home health tests that can help you to identify key imbalances.

Speaker 1:

Next, mindful movement. Start incorporating gentle exercises like yoga, tai chi or even just deep breathing exercises into your daily routine to calm your nervous system. There's plenty of things on YouTube to be able to put this into action. There's plenty of apps out there for free and I'm sure you can upgrade Definitely something to implement. Many people avoid this, but the ones that don't avoid it and put it into action know the benefits of it.

Speaker 1:

And then, finally, work with an integrative health practitioner. Pots can be complex it really can be and it's helpful to have guidance on your journey. So don't hesitate to reach out for personalized support. I'm here to help. It's fine. If you don't want to work with me, you can go to integrativehealthpractitionerorg or ihpcoach and find a practitioner there.

Speaker 1:

I am on that directory. Or if you want to have a consultation with me. I offer those completely for free over at lemonygwellnesscom. I'd be happy to hop on a call with you. So, to everyone out there trying to manage POTS being told that your blood work looks normal, I see you and I want you to know that there are ways to help your body heal and regain balance. If you found this episode helpful, make sure to share it with anyone who might benefit and subscribe to the podcast, so you don't ever miss an episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. As always, if you're ready to take the next step on your integrative health journey, visit loveandgwellnesscom for your free consultation or check out our programs, including at-home functional tests. With the integrative approach, you can rebalance your body and get back to living a vibrant, energetic life. Until next time, with gratitude, stay well, stay balanced and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye, everyone.

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