Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

104: Could Parasites Be Draining Your Energy and Success? Unlock Vitality with an Annual Cleanse!

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 104

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Could parasites be the invisible saboteurs behind your chronic fatigue, unexplained weight changes, or even mood swings? Discover how these stealthy invaders could be undermining your health and learn why addressing parasites first might be the key to unlocking boundless energy and vitality. Join me, Jeffrey Mort, as I reveal the symptoms and surprising sources of parasitic infections, sharing my personal experiences and lifestyle choices that make me more prone to these hidden culprits. You'll understand why I swear by an annual parasite cleanse and how it could transform your well-being.

In this eye-opening episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, I explore the wide-ranging impact of parasites on your body, from digestive issues and skin problems to the more obscure signs like teeth grinding and joint pain. You'll hear about the critical role your central nervous system plays in detecting and prioritizing these threats, often over other health issues like gut imbalances or mold toxicity. By the end, you'll grasp the importance of a targeted parasite protocol and how it can pave the way for optimal health and limitless possibilities in both your personal and professional life. Tune in and take the first step toward a healthier, more energized you!

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, welcome back to Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Quick question did you know that one in three people might be living with a parasitic infection right now and have no idea? Sounds wild, right. What's even crazier is that, while you may not know, your nervous system certainly does. In today's episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on why parasites could be the hidden culprit behind common symptoms like fatigue, digestive issues or even skin problems. And trust me, after hearing this, you'll understand why I do a parasite cleanse every single year. Ready to find out why? Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Ah, yes, always grateful for you joining me here today on another episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. This happens to be episode 104. And if you scroll down in the show notes, you'll find a link to the send us a message feature. I would love to hear from you and get a message from you, asking a question or sharing what your favorite episode was or your biggest takeaway. Whatever the case, use that feature and reach out, and I'd love to share your question on a future episode. So let's talk about the symptoms.

Speaker 1:

Parasites can often be sneaky. They are stealth pathogens and you might not even realize that they are there. Some of the most common signs of a parasitic infection include bloating, constipation or diarrhea. But it doesn't stop there, including constipation or diarrhea, but it doesn't stop there. Things like chronic fatigue, unexplained weight gain or even weight loss, or skin issues like rashes or itching, and even mood swings or brain fog can all be linked to parasites. The not-so-common symptoms, however, things like teeth grinding, joint pain and food sensitivities that seem to appear out of nowhere. These little invaders, these little buggers. They can trigger inflammation and disrupt your entire system, and while you might think that you're dealing with something else, like gut dysfunction or bacterial overgrowth or heavy metal toxicity or maybe mold exposure, it could actually be parasites at the root of the problem, and most people don't even want to acknowledge that, or even admit that they could have a parasite. You know, myself included. Oh no, not me. I don't have a parasite Like. That's just crazy. I don't live in some third world country. Well, that's not the case, and this is a perfect time to give my disclaimer that, of course, I'm not providing any medical advice or claiming to diagnose, treat or cure any of the diseases that I mentioned. But we are getting to the root cause of the problem Now.

Speaker 1:

Your central nervous system is constantly monitoring your body, all the nerve endings. Your body is literally wired. If you've ever seen a body exhibit, that is absolutely amazing to witness the central nervous system of the body coming from the brain and reaching all parts of your body. It's like a built-in monitoring system, and when there's a parasitic infection monitoring system, and when there's a parasitic infection, it treats this as a top priority threat. So this means that a parasitic infection can actually take precedence over other health issues, including things like gut bacteria imbalances or heavy metal toxicity or mold toxicity, and that's why addressing parasites first can make all of the difference. Now you might be wondering why, jeffrey? Why do you do an annual parasite protocol? Well, let me share a little bit about my lifestyle and we'll see if any of these things resonate with you. Maybe you fall into the same category.

Speaker 1:

I live in central New England. We have beautiful summertime weather in late June and then throughout July and August and the beginning of September. I like to swim in lakes, I like to swim in rivers. I spend a lot of time in the woods, in the forest especially in my garden and getting my hands in the soil. I like to eat local veggies, I like to eat wild fruits that I pick right from my own property, and I do enjoy sushi from time to time. Plus, if you've followed me on social media, you know that I've got Luna, my Australian shepherd, who loves to lick my face. All of these activities can expose me to parasites, which is why I make it a point to cleanse regularly, at least once a year, and here's why autumn is the best time to get started. Now. Fall is a time of transition, both in nature and in our bodies. Now, in the fall, I'm pretty much done swimming outdoors. I'm done in the garden as well.

Speaker 1:

Medicine, tcm and Ayurveda tell us that this is the perfect season to reset and support the body's natural rhythms. Plus, during the full moon, parasites tend to be more active. You may or may not have heard that before, and one reason is this because your serotonin levels rise, which can make them actually easier to flush out. So fall, especially around a full moon, is an ideal time to begin a parasite cleanse. However, before you start any parasite protocol, it is really a smart idea to prepare your body with a seven-day functional medicine liver detox. Now, if you've been listening to me for any time, you know that every 90 days I'm talking about a functional medicine detox. If you're in our free support group, if you go to loveenergywellnesscom, scroll down on the first page, you can join our free community and you know, every 90 days I'm running a detox program over there for a functional medicine liver detox. Call it our total body and mind reset, and that's super important as a maintenance program.

Speaker 1:

So parasites love a toxic environment and by detoxing first you're clearing out the terrain so that your body is ready to handle the cleanse more effectively. The parasite protocol, so a liver detox, supports your immune system and that's important. You know if you're going to be releasing these parasites. The parasites like to live in something that's called a biofilm in the body. Now, the biofilm is created as a defense mechanism by the body, but it makes a perfect environment for the parasites to live in because that houses things like heavy metals and the parasites feed off of heavy metals as well as other things in the body. I don't want to get too deep into that because I don't want to freak anybody out about the life cycle of a parasite. But they love a toxic environment. So by detoxing first you're clearing out that terrain and that way your body's ready to handle that cleanse. So a liver detox it supports your immune system. As I said, you can find everything over at loveenergywellnesscom slash shop. That's our link over to our partnership with Equal Life. And if you're like me, you want to make sure that you're doing things right and that's why I recommend at-home testing before starting any protocol, to make sure that you're on the right track.

Speaker 1:

So over at my private wellness practice, love Energy Wellness, we offer a comprehensive at-home parasite test. It's actually a parasite and bacterias test that uses a simple three-day stool sample to check for infections. Why three days? Because most of those one-day stool samples for parasites, that's really the only way to know if you have parasites. But some of those one day stool samples for parasites that's really the only way to know if you have parasites. But some of those one day stool samples can miss parasites on one day. So if you're doing a three day sample, sometimes I see in clinical practice that parasites might not show up on days one and three, but on day two we pick them up. So of course you know, the odds are better on understanding exactly what's going on in the body with that three-day test and it's actually, it's incredibly convenient and it gives you clear answers about whether you've got parasites lurking in your system and it also looks at, you know, bacterial overgrowth and things like SIBO and other things like that.

Speaker 1:

Now, of course it's not a diagnostic test, but it can pinpoint those underlying root causes and you can find that test on my website and I will put the direct link to the test in today's show notes. It's a super powerful tool to take the guesswork out of your health. We also have a parasite assessment. If you don't want to purchase the test, you can take the free assessment as well. So I'll link those up and once you're ready to start the parasite cleanse, I highly recommend the para support protocol.

Speaker 1:

Uh by equal life, our partner, equal life, the global leader in functional medicine, it's my top choice because it's designed to be gentle yet to be incredibly effective and this protocol. It targets parasites while supporting your whole system, making it super easy to follow without disrupting your daily routine. There's no special diet plan that goes with it and while I can't link up the supplements directly here due to FDA regulations, I know it's crazy, right, but you can find the Parasupport Protocol and the 7-Day Functional Medicine Detox over at our shop page at Love Energy Wellness loveenergywellnesscom forward slash shop. So you know, if you're like me, if you swim in lakes, if you spend time in the garden, if you eat local produce, you enjoy sushi on occasion or have affectionate pets like Luna, it is worth considering an annual parasite cleanse.

Speaker 1:

And remember, start with that liver detox, especially in the fall, ideally around a full moon. You know you'd want to do the liver detox, the functional medicine detox, probably about two weeks before the full moon and then that way you can start the parasupport protocol Immediately. After that, you're a week into it and then you get the full moon. That's going to be probably the best results. Be able to maximize your results on this wellness plan. And if you want to learn more or grab that power support protocol or detox, head on over to levanegiwellnesscom slash shop. You'll find it over there, and don't forget about the at-home parasite test as well, or the assessment that will be linked up in the show notes, if you want to be absolutely sure if you're making the right moves for your health.

Speaker 1:

All right, my friend, that is all for today. I hope that, uh, this has opened up your eyes to the importance of parasite cleansing and given you some tools to take control of your health. That's what we're all about here. So if you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with a friend, subscribe and definitely leave a review. That helps us to reach more people. Until next time, take care of yourself, stay healthy and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye, everybody.

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