Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

100: Unlock True Health: The Four Factors You Can't Out-Supplement!

Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 100

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Can you really improve your health just by popping pills? Discover the truth about the limitations of a supplement-only approach in this eye-opening episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Join Jeffrey Mort as he exposes the top four aspects of health that you simply can't out-supplement: poor diet, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, and especially chronic stress. Get ready for actionable insights and inspiring success stories that demonstrate the power of a holistic approach. Learn why nutrient-dense foods, regular physical activity, good sleep hygiene, and effective stress management are the true cornerstones of lasting well-being. Plus, Jeffrey hints at an exciting new program designed to revolutionize your health journey.

Explore the comprehensive IHP DESTRESS protocol with us, an acronym that outlines a holistic path to health: diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science-backed supplementation, and success mindset. Created by Dr. Stephen Cabral, this protocol emphasizes the Pareto principle, showing how focusing on stress reduction can yield significant results. Hear real-life stories of clients who have transformed their lives by committing to this approach. And don't miss the announcement of our new program, featuring detailed videos, helpful downloads, and optional live group coaching. This episode is your guide to a balanced, healthier lifestyle, offering tools and strategies to help you reclaim control over your health.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, jeffrey Mort here, and before we dive into today's episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, let me ask you this Are you relying on supplements to fix all of your health problems? If so, you might be missing a critical piece of the puzzle. In this episode, we are uncovering the truth about the top four things you can't out-supplement, and I'll also be sharing a real-life client story that proves why addressing these areas is a non-negotiable for lasting health. Plus, stay tuned to hear about our brand new program that could be the game changer that you've been looking for. Trust me, you won't want to miss this one. Let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful for you joining me. Welcome to another episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs like yourself. This just happens to be episode 100. Okay, just a moment to celebrate that 100. Okay, there it is. Um, of course, and I do want to say that uh coming up, we'll be bringing in some. I've been interviewing some fantastic guests and we're going to start bringing an episode at least once a month. Uh, probably starting off the month with uh that interview, and we've got some fantastic guests coming your way. So look forward to that and, of course, you want to stay to the end of today's episode when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health.

Speaker 1:

And for all the show notes and the links, visit Jeffrey mort comm and click on that podcast button. So I'm just so grateful for all the listeners. A quick, quick shout out to all of our listeners. I went back and I looked at some of the statistics for the podcast, since we're at episode 100, and a shout out to the 37 countries that are regular listeners to the podcast. Of course, most of the listeners are in the United States of America. However, we're reaching 36 other countries around the globe and I'm grateful for that. I'm honored to be part of your health journey with you, so with that, we also have a send us a message feature in the show notes Wherever you listen to the podcast. You can scroll down and I think it's right at the top and you can click on that button. Send us a message, give us some feedback, let me know what your favorite episode was, what one of your big takeaways was. Maybe, if you have an idea for an episode that we haven't covered yet, I'd be happy to hear from you and stick around for our program announcement at the end of today's episode.

Speaker 1:

So today, in Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, of course I'm your host and your personal integrative health coach, jeffrey Morton, and today we're diving into a topic that is often misunderstood in the world of wellness and we're covering the things that we can't out-supplement. We're going to go over four things, four areas there's more, but the top ones we're going to cover today of the things that you cannot out supplement, no matter how many pills, how many powders, how many potions that you take, there are some things that require a different approach, and I'm talking about things like poor diet, things like lack of exercise, things like poor sleep hygiene and, especially the granddaddy of them all, chronic stress. Those are four categories that you cannot out-supplement. There I took the surprise right out, the element of surprise right out of today's episode. Those are the four topics we're going to cover, but we'll go deeper into those. So let's get into why these areas are so crucial and how ignoring them can undermine even the best supplement routine.

Speaker 1:

Now, first off, let's talk about the limitations of supplements. Now don't get me wrong. Supplements, also known as ortho molecular medicine that is, the science of vitamins and minerals are fantastic and sometimes necessary. Now you can also add in herbalism to that as well. That's where my education from traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism came into play, as well as the orthomolecular medicine, the traditional naturopathy, all the things that were taught over at the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute. All of these things can fill in nutritional gaps, they can support specific health goals and they can even help you to recover faster.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing they are not magic pills. You cannot expect them to override a consistently poor lifestyle. So let's break it down. Imagine trying to out supplement a poor diet if your mirrors meals are full of processed foods and sugars and unhealthy fats. There's no multivitamin or green powder that is going to save you. Whole, nutrient-dense foods are irreplaceable.

Speaker 1:

Now the same goes for exercise. There's no supplement that can mimic the benefits of regular physical activity, like strength training, cardio, cardio exercise. This exercise impacts everything from your cardiovascular health to your mood and mental clarity. It is so important. Now, what about sleep? Sure, there are supplements that might help you fall asleep or improve your sleep quality. Of course, we have a sleep help protocol that we recommend to almost all of our clients, because sleep is foundational. But without good sleep habits no, sleep habits are something that we teach over at our private wellness practice but without these good sleep habits like having a regular bedtime, consistent even throughout the weekends, keeping your room dark, keeping your room cool and reducing screen time before bed are just some of those sleep hygiene tips those supplements are not going to do much. They really won't. You need to set yourself up for sleep success.

Speaker 1:

But the biggest one, the biggest one, the silent saboteur of all health efforts, is stress, specifically chronic stress. It's like a wrecking ball for your body. It impacts every single system of your body. It impacts your digestive system, your hormones, your reproductive system, your immune system and so much more. And, trust me, no supplement can completely counteract effects of ongoing, unmanaged stress. Now, of course, there are supplements that we use for stress reduction and, of course, not giving any medical advice here. There's no diagnosis, no treatment plans or anything like that. But you know there are minerals, such as our full-spectrum magnesium that can be super beneficial for buffering stress. B vitamins can buffer stress absolutely. Ashwagandha, that's an adaptogenic herb that can definitely help to buffer stress. But until you remove that, the root of that stress, until you remove Let me give you an analogy If a client comes to me and they run a mycotoxin test, a mold toxicity test, and they have mold lot of times that can pick up what's called aspergillus, and aspergillus when I see this elevated on this organic acids test that's also called that usually tells me that there is some exposure to mold, whether it's in food or environment.

Speaker 1:

And then we might move to something like a mycotoxin mold toxicity test. And if that proves that they have mold toxicity, mold toxicity test, and if that proves that they have mold toxicity, you know we can go through the mold protocol, the mold detoxification protocol. It's a two-month protocol. It's really easy to do. But if they still have mold in their environment let's say they had, you know, a leak in their home or their apartment or their work environment had a leak and the mold was never properly addressed. If we do the mold protocol, we can remove the mold from their body. But if they keep going back into this toxic environment that has the mold, they're going to continue to have those symptoms and have that mold exposure and they're just going to have to do that protocol again. So it really goes back to if you don't manage the stress, if you don't reduce that stress and we have a great stress reduction program and protocol to be able to help you to do that.

Speaker 1:

And also, you can go back to the episode. Let me see if I can find out what episode it was read redefining stress. Well, we had episode 16, which was on stress reduction, but I also have an episode on redefining stress. Let me see if I can find that. And so our acronym for stress is something troubling that is um, oh, something troubling resulting in my I was trying to multitask something troubling resulting in essential system shutdown. S-t--r-e-s-s. There's the acronym we use for stress and I covered that in episode number. Well, I can't find it on my list here, but I will link that up in the show notes Something troubling resulting in essential system shutdown. And that troubling could be external stressors like kids, career cashflow, things like that and something troubling can also be internal stressors like kids, career, cash flow, things like that. And something troubling can also be internal stressors like mold toxicity, like nutrient deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. It could be toxicities such as mold or candida or bacterial overgrowth or heavy metal toxicity.

Speaker 1:

All of those cause stress on the body. Stress is measured through cortisol levels and we have an amazing lab test. It's called the Stress, mood and Metabolism Test. Not only looks at your sex hormones, your adrenal hormones, but it also looks at your stress hormone. It looks at cortisol at four points during the day and it gives us a good picture of your stress level in the morning, before lunch, before dinner and before bed. And we can make sure that we're within range and then we can implement some strategies to be able to lower that stress. And of course, supplementation plays a role in that. But there are other things that we can do to be able to manage stress.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to share a story with you and a client of mine and I'm not going to mention any names because client confidentiality is one of my highest values over at Love Energy, wellness but a client of mine had run the big five labs and we found that there was some overgrowth in the gut and we needed to, as well as some other deficiencies and toxicities and we needed to address things. But the first thing we needed to do was a functional detox, which was fantastic, got some great results for this client through the functional medicine detox 21 days and then we moved into the CBO protocol to be able to rebalance the bacteria in the gut and we saw some fantastic results and she was on the path to recovery from her gut issues and feeling great. But there was one thing she didn't address her high levels of stress and at first everything seemed fine, but over time the stress crept back in and before long she was experiencing gut imbalances again, fatigue and return of her symptoms, like she just didn't feel amazing any longer. And we re-ran the uh, the, the um, yeah, the candida metabolic and vitamins test I always want to call it the organic acids test because technically that's what it's called in the industry, but the candida metabolic and vitamins test and it was like she was back at square one. Some of the imbalances that were there before were balanced and within range and some new imbalances were out of range and the setback was really a wake-up call for her because she realized that no amount of supplements the CBO protocol is no joke. I mean, it's easily laid out to do but it takes some time and it takes some commitment to be able to do that. And you know, she realized that no amount of supplementation could solve her problem because she wasn't addressing the root cause, which was the chronic everyday stress. And so that's when we revisited the entire de-stress protocol.

Speaker 1:

We revisited the entire de-stress protocol and, as you know, the de-stress protocol is an acronym for diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science back supplementation so it's in there as well and success mindset that makes up the de-stress protocol. But we had to give a special focus on stress reduction and we applied what's called the Pareto principle and you may have heard this. This is also known as the 80 20 rule, which means the 20 percent of what you focus on is going to get you 80% of the results. So we've we you can kind of flip that we put 80% of the focus on the stress reduction of the de-stress protocol. The other 20% of our focus was diet, exercise, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science-backed supplementation and success mindset. But to be able to get this client the results that she deserved and success mindset. But to be able to get this client the results that she deserved, we had to apply the Pareto principle and put 80% of our focus on stress reduction. Now, as you may or may not know, the de-stress protocol is a holistic approach to health that covers everything. Like I said diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science-backed supplementation and mindset. Now, I didn't create this.

Speaker 1:

This was created by dr Stephen Cabral, who is the founder of equal life and the integrative health practitioner Institute, who I trained under. He's also the author of the rain barrel effect book. You might be able to see it if you're watching on video. It's right over my shoulder here. It's a fantastic book. You can actually get it for free on my resource page at loveandagwellnesscom slash resources. You can find that over there. You only have to pay shipping. You can get that book completely free. But he walks you through you know, if you're a reader and you want to take that path. He walks you through the de-stress protocol First of all. He walks you through the de-stress protocol First of all. He walks you how we get sick, walks you through how we get sick. There's only two ways deficiencies and toxicities, and then he walks you through the de-stress protocol and you can read that book. It's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

I actually give it to all of my clients. I order that for them. They don't even have to pay for the shipping. I include it in our package for the new beginnings or our Optimize any of our wellness packages that we do offer over at Love Energy Wellness. I love to give my clients gifts each and every month that they're enrolled in our program. So that's one of the gifts that I roll out right at the beginning. And it's not just about taking the right supplements, it's about creating a balanced, healthy lifestyle that supports every aspect of your well-being. So when my client committed to working on the entire de-stress protocol with an emphasis on managing her stress, that's when we saw real, lasting improvement. Her gut health returned, her energy levels improved, she was sleeping better and she finally felt like she was in control of her health again. And that's what I love to see. I love to see people get those results. So what's the takeaway?

Speaker 1:

Supplements are important, but they are, just as the name indicates, supplemental and only one piece of the puzzle. So they are supplemental to diet, they are supplemental to exercise. You know, for instance, if somebody was going to use something like creatine monohydrate, that's supplemental to exercise. You can't just take creatine and expect to gain muscle or energy. You're going to take creatine and that's a supplement to the exercise to be able to expedite the results that you're looking for. Again, just one piece of the puzzle. The true lasting health comes from addressing every aspect of your lifestyle, especially the stress, and if you're relying on supplements alone, you're only scratching the surface of what's possible.

Speaker 1:

And on that note, I'm excited to share that we are rolling out our new de-stress program. So this program is designed to guide you through every part of the de-stress protocol, with detailed videos, helpful downloads and an option to upgrade to weekly live group coaching for accountability and community. Honestly, it's the perfect way to take your health to the next level and make sure that you're not just relying on supplements but truly supporting your whole self mind, body and spirit. And the reason why I decided to create this is because there's not. You know, I have my three month program, six month program, 12 month program for clients and you know we're on calls together, one-on-one at a minimum once per month. Some clients get twice per month, so every other week, and then some clients need weekly support as well. So we have that as an option. But in those calls, you know, really going through their questions, giving them answers, talking about next steps, and I have so, so many, you know not to be overwhelming, but there are so many handouts that I can give them to apply to the de-stress protocol that I don't want to overwhelm them.

Speaker 1:

So in creating this program, this platform, where it's supplemental to, again, supplements, it's supplemental to our health coaching, where they can go through it at their own cadence, cadence, at their own pace and they can focus on the areas. For instance, my client that I mentioned earlier, um, I could tell her to revisit and spend most of her focus on the stress reduction module of our program. So this is something additional that's going to come with every one of our health coaching programs over at Love, energy, wellness and it's it's a great. It's a great place for clients to go once they've, you know they can utilize it while they're in a program with us and then they can roll into that afterwards and have that continued support. Or if somebody's not quite ready for that one-to-one approach with one of our programs, they can do the de-stress protocol by itself and they can get some fantastic results.

Speaker 1:

So that was the reason behind rolling out this program, and I'm super, super excited to present it to you, and you can find all the details on our website over at loveenergywellnesscom, so head on over there after the show to learn more and sign up. I'm here to support you every step of the way. As you already know, I am 100% committed to getting you the results that you deserve the answers and the results. The question is are you 100% committed to your health? Entrepreneurs, please share this episode with those that you love and remember supplements can support, but they can't replace the essentials. Until next time, keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye, everybody.

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