Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

90: Unlocking Mental Superpowers: Transforming Stress into Entrepreneurial Strength

June 19, 2024 Jeffrey Mort Season 2 Episode 90
90: Unlocking Mental Superpowers: Transforming Stress into Entrepreneurial Strength
Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
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Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
90: Unlocking Mental Superpowers: Transforming Stress into Entrepreneurial Strength
Jun 19, 2024 Season 2 Episode 90
Jeffrey Mort

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What if you could transform stress into power and setbacks into stepping stones? In this empowering episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, I, your host Jeffrey Mort, promise to guide you through the art of building mental resilience. We’ll explore essential techniques like integrative health and clinical hypnosis to reprogram your mind, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Learn how embodying the essence of words like "fun," "clarity," "ease," and "love" can significantly improve your mental strength, decision-making capabilities, and overall well-being.

Picture the joy of a child's laughter, the clarity of a clear blue sky, the effortless flow of a dancer, and the warmth of self-compassion. These are not just abstract concepts but practical strategies we’ll master together to foster a positive mindset and prevent illness and burnout. Join me as we discuss how to train your mind with the same dedication you would apply to physical fitness, ensuring that you can thrive even in the most challenging entrepreneurial landscapes. This episode is your gateway to unlocking mental superpowers, boosting creativity, and pushing past your limits on your entrepreneurial journey. Don’t miss out—tune in and start building your mental resilience today!

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Send us a message (with the best way to reply)

What if you could transform stress into power and setbacks into stepping stones? In this empowering episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, I, your host Jeffrey Mort, promise to guide you through the art of building mental resilience. We’ll explore essential techniques like integrative health and clinical hypnosis to reprogram your mind, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Learn how embodying the essence of words like "fun," "clarity," "ease," and "love" can significantly improve your mental strength, decision-making capabilities, and overall well-being.

Picture the joy of a child's laughter, the clarity of a clear blue sky, the effortless flow of a dancer, and the warmth of self-compassion. These are not just abstract concepts but practical strategies we’ll master together to foster a positive mindset and prevent illness and burnout. Join me as we discuss how to train your mind with the same dedication you would apply to physical fitness, ensuring that you can thrive even in the most challenging entrepreneurial landscapes. This episode is your gateway to unlocking mental superpowers, boosting creativity, and pushing past your limits on your entrepreneurial journey. Don’t miss out—tune in and start building your mental resilience today!

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
[Register here]

Support the Show.

As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back wellness seekers, entrepreneurs and boundary breakers to another episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs, the podcast, where we equip you with the tools and insights to push past your limits and achieve unparalleled success.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host and personal high-performance health coach, jeffrey Mort, and today we have an incredibly powerful topic that can transform your entrepreneurial journey building mental resilience. Imagine having the mental strength to bounce back from any setback, the clarity to make razor sharp decisions and the inner peace to be able to handle stress with ease. It sounds like a superpower, right? Well, today you're about to discover how to develop this superpower by training your mind, just like you would your muscles. In this episode, you'll learn practical strategies to cultivate a resilient mindset, using the principles of integrative health and hypnosis. We'll dive into simple yet effective exercises that focus on key concepts just simple concepts like fun, like clarity, like ease, like well-being and love, and I will show how letting go of resistance can be your secret weapon against failure. Stay with me until the end and you'll discover how these techniques can help you avoid burnout, boost your creativity and lead your business to new heights. Plus, I have an exciting offer for you to kick start your journey to mental resilience. So get comfortable, grab yourself a notebook and let's dive into the art of building a mind that not only survives but thrives in the world of entrepreneurship. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here yes, always grateful for you joining me here today. Welcome back to Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Today we're diving into this topic that is absolutely crucial for your success building mental resilience. This episode is in conjunction with a recent blog post over on our website, so you can check that out either in the show notes or go to loveenergywellnesscom. Slash. Learn over there at our learning center, and you can check that out either in the show notes or go to loveenergywellnesscom. Slash. Learn over there at our learning center and you can check it out there. All right, so let's jump into today's topic Building mental resilience by training your mind, like you would your muscles.

Speaker 1:

As entrepreneurs, we're constantly facing new challenges, we're navigating uncertainties and we're making tough decisions on a day-to-day basis. So it's no wonder that it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. But just like you wouldn't expect to lift heavy weights without training or excel at a sport without regular practice, you shouldn't expect to handle entrepreneurial stress without building your mental strength. As you already know, there's an importance to mental resilience. Mental resilience, it's your ability to adapt to stressful situations and bounce back from adversity. So think about it this way how many times have you faced a setback in your business and you felt completely deflated or debilitated or paralyzed? It's so common, it's such a common experience. But those who are mentally resilient can recover quickly and keep moving forward. So without this mental resilience, you risk stress, you risk anxiety, you even risk burnout, poor decision making, decreased productivity and failure to innovate in your business. Now, on the flip side, a strong, resilient mind enhances problem solving skills, increases productivity, it can improve relationships and sustains motivation. So you may not have realized it, but integrative health, and especially clinical hypnosis, can be your unique solution. Integrative health combines things like conventional medicine practices, of course, with holistic therapies addressing the whole person, the mind, the body, the spirit, and hypnosis is also a powerful tool within integrative health and it can help to reprogram your subconscious mind, and what that does is it helps to foster a positive and resilient mindset.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is not stage hypnosis or Hollywood hypnosis or mind control. I'm talking about clinical, research-backed hypnosis that was recognized as a medical procedure all the way back in the 1950s and it works on the principle of neuroplasticity. Now, you may or may not know that neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change, to adapt and to reorganize itself in response to new experiences, new environments and learning. So this concept challenges the long-held idea that the brain is a fixed, unchangeable entity and instead highlights its dynamic and adaptive nature Neuroplasticity it allows the brain to rewire not literally, there aren't wires in your brain, but there are neural networks that are activated and conduct electricity just like wires do, and this can help to compensate for damaged areas, learn new skills and recover actually from injury and even disease. Now, of course, I don't claim to diagnose, treat, cure disease or give any medical advice, but I can help you get to those underlying root causes, and sometimes the root cause of our stagnation in our business or in our well-being or in our relationships are related to our brain function and specifically to our beliefs, our identity and our habits.

Speaker 1:

So by combining well, let me go back here during hypnosis. During hypnosis, you're guided into a state of deep relaxation, because I know you're probably wondering how exactly does hypnosis help with neuroplasticity? So you're guided by the professional, the hypnotist, the practitioner, into a state of deep, deep relaxation, but more so focused attention. And it's in this state that your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and new thought patterns and this can lead to significant reduction and stress, enhance positive thinking, better goal setting and both physical and emotional healing. And the key is, the more you do it. This is where you know we get into the analogy of building your mental resilience. Just like you would build, uh, your muscles in the gym, you're building your mind muscle here and it takes practice and it takes repetition to be able to start seeing the results. So by combining hypnosis with other integrative practices, like the at-home functional lab, testing for root cause, discovery for toxin removal, you know, getting into mindfulness and meditation, maybe an exercise like Tai Chi or Qigong, tuning up your nutrition, ramping up your exercise, you can build a holistic approach to that mental resilience. And you know, I'll tell you you when I started my tai chi and qigong practice back in 2015, I didn't start a practice as an instructor, I started a practice as a student and I practiced that over and over and that repetition started to build that mental resilience and that's where I really started to see some profound benefits. And, of course, as you know, that was my lead domino into the wellness industry and because I saw these profound positive changes in my life, I said what else is possible? And that's that's what led me to where I am today. So you might be wondering how long does it take? Well, as I, as I said, consistency is key and, just like building that physical strength requires consistent training, developing your mental resilience requires regular practice and the key is to start simple.

Speaker 1:

One effective exercise is to focus just on a singular word or concept and, most importantly, a feeling feeling. So let's explore how you can apply this. This is the exercise focusing on singular concepts. So, to begin, let's choose a word or a concept or a feeling that resonates with you. It could be something as simple as the word fun, or clarity, or ease, or well-being, or abundance, or love. You know, those are the main categories that people want. They want things to be fun. They want to have clear thinking, they want everything to be easy. They want to be in a state of well-being. They want to have abundance all around them. That abundance word could mean, you know, prosperity or wealth, financial abundance and love. People just want love in their relationships. Even though some people are mean and hateful and spiteful, at the core people just want to be loved, supported, seen and heard. That's really what it comes down to. So let's keep things simple here.

Speaker 1:

The goal is to immerse yourself in the feeling, in the essence of whichever word that you choose and we're going to pick a couple of these and we'll do an exercise here and allowing that feeling and that essence of that simplified word to shape your mindset and your actions. So let's start easy. Well, we'll start fun. Let's just use the word fun. Fun is the experience of joy, okay, of playfulness and enjoyment. The word joy is in enjoyment. So imagine the excitement of a child playing with their favorite toy, the laughter shared with friends or the thrill of discovering something new and exciting to you. So by focusing on fun, you can transform mundane tasks into enjoyable activities, reducing stress and increasing productivity. So you know, fostering those imagined. Yeah, let me start over. Fostering that imagination can bring up that feeling. It can elicit that feeling from inside of you, and it's a feeling that you want to take with you going into some other activity. So, like I said, a mindset of fun can foster things like creativity, innovation, as you are more likely to explore new ideas and take calculated risks.

Speaker 1:

So next, clarity. We're just going to do a few of these here. Clarity is the state of being clear and focused. So picture a clear blue sky, free from clouds, or the sensation of your mind being sharp and focused. That's a great one. Right there, the sensation, right Back to that feeling. Great one right there, the sensation, right Back to that feeling, the sensation of your mind being sharp and focused. Has there ever been a time where you felt completely sharp and focused? That is what clarity feels like. So focusing on clarity can enhance your decision-making abilities. It can improve communication and increase your efficiency, because with a clear mind, you can prioritize your tasks effectively and stay on track towards your goals. This is a great one.

Speaker 1:

Every time I have a shift in my schedule, I will sit for just a few seconds and I will set my intentions of clarity and focus and productivity for the next segment. You can refer to this as segment intending right. I'm intentionally setting clarity as the primary goal for the next segment of my time and my schedule. So next, let's focus on ease. We'll just, we'll do two more of these. We'll do ease, and ease is the feeling of effortless and of flow.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know you've been in that flow state before at some point. You know athletes get into the flow state where they're. You know, maybe they're playing basketball and they're just sinking basket after basket. Or a hockey player, you know, navigating through all the other offense and defense players, and they make that goal right. That is in the zone. That is ease, that is effort, effortlessness, that is flow. So imagine the sensation of gliding through the water, the gentle downstream flow of a river. Or maybe it's the effortless movement of a dancer. Whether you're a dancer, you're watching a dancer. Right, I'm not much of a dancer, but when I see somebody that has practiced dancing on the dance floor I say wow, that looks amazing. That energy, that flow seems effortless. I want to be that person. I want to learn how to do that. So by embracing ease, you can reduce things like stress and you can even prevent burnout. This mindset, this mindset of ease, promotes balance and well-being and that allows you to approach challenges with a calm and composed demeanor.

Speaker 1:

Since I've been implementing these exercises, I hardly ever get triggered. And way back in the day, you know I was, I was the type of person who would get triggered easily and then I would hang on to that. You know that anger or rage or negativity towards somebody not so much rage, but you know I would get upset really easily. I would get triggered really easily and not anymore Like very few things trigger me and I don't. I don't carry any of that with me anymore, like that's. That's like putting on a backpack full of stones and just adding those stones into the backpack and carrying that through life. And I'll tell you, you know, when that backpack has 50, 60, 80 pounds of stones in it, you finally take it off. Man does it feel good, and to not have to pick that back up and carry it with you through life, that just makes you so much faster and more agile going through life. So when things don't trigger me anymore, I appreciate that and that's what ease feels like for me.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's do one more here. Let's talk about love for a minute, and that's what ease feels like for me. All right, let's do one more here. Let's talk about love for a minute. Love visualize the warmth of an embrace or the joy of being with loved ones or the sense of peace that comes from. This is an important one right here, from self-compassion. This is most people miss the mark on that self-compassion. You know there's an amazing book called Love Yourself, like your Life Depends On it, and that was life-changing for me. It was very eye-opening. So, focusing on love, it can enhance your relationships, it can improve emotional intelligence and it can create a positive work environment. So, yeah, you can even bring love into the work environment, whether that's just your self-compassion and that's going to help to emit that feeling of love and a mindset. Having that mindset of love can foster collaboration and support, leading to greater success in both your personal and your professional endeavors.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about letting go of resistance. I mentioned that in the intro of the show and that's super important. So it's one of the key aspects of building mental resilience. That's letting go of resistance to the desired outcome. Resistance often stems from fear or doubt and negative self-talk, and none of those are beneficial for you. None of those. So those can. All you know that fear, that doubt, that self-talk. It can hinder progress and hinder your success. So here are some strategies to overcome the resistance.

Speaker 1:

You want to acknowledge your fears. You want to recognize and confront your fears and your doubts and by acknowledging them you can begin to address and overcome them. Now I want to bring self-compassion back into this, because being kind to yourself and understanding that setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Every setback that you have is for a purpose. So treat yourself with the same compassion that you would offer a friend or a child that was going through a difficult time. Be compassionate, be kind to yourself, for the love of Pete. So, number three embrace uncertainty. Right, you want to accept that uncertainty, it's a part of life and a part of business. So you want to be able to embrace that, rather than resisting it and having fear towards it. You want to embrace it as an opportunity for growth and for learning. Every time you've gone through uncertainty, in an uncertain period, you've come out on the other side a better person, more resilient, um, and in a wiser person. Like that's how we build wisdom is through adversity and getting through the uncertainty.

Speaker 1:

Next, focus on the present. You know I I don't spend a lot of time focusing on the past and I do like to be in the present moment. So, instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past and we're going to talk about why I don't focus too much on the present in just a moment, in the next one, but being in the present moment, it's important to ground yourself. So mindfulness and meditation can help you stay grounded and centered. A lot of times when we're focused on the past, that can lead to depression and when we're worried about the future, that leads to anxiety. So being in the present moment can help to ground us. Now I don't stay there for too long, because this next one is where I like to be and that is visualizing success.

Speaker 1:

I like to use visualization techniques to imagine with feeling. That's the key right here. When you imagine, you want to tap into that feeling of what it's like to be the kind of person that you want to be and have the desired outcome that you want to have the most amount of my energy and focused attention on visualizing the success and the outcomes that I want, as if it has already happened. Now I know you're concerned about avoiding failure and following that path that's leading to success. So by consistently practicing these exercises and adopting a mindset of positivity and of resilience, you can avoid failure and you can pave the way to success. And here's how you're going to do it Increased adaptability, a resilient mind it's better equipped to adapt to changing circumstances and overcoming obstacles.

Speaker 1:

Resilience is important. Improved focus by training your mind to stay focused on positive concepts, you can maintain that clarity and that direction, that trajectory towards success, even in challenging situations. So again, not letting things trigger you and staying focused. And hypnosis. Hypnosis can help to maintain that focus on a regular basis. Also, a positive and resilient mindset can foster creativity and innovation, allowing you to come up with new ideas and solutions to those problems. Remember the vibration, the energy of a problem is vastly different than the solution, the law of attraction if you're always focused on the problem, you're going to get more of that problem. But if you stay focused on the solution and you have that energetic um, that energetic disposition towards the solution, you're going to attract that solution. Um, you know, and you really can't have a solution without a problem. But if you stay more focused on the solution, that's going to be beneficial for you and then, of course, that mindset of love and compassion that's going to improve your relationships, fostering collaboration and support from your team and your colleagues, your clients, whatever the case may be for you, and then having sustained motivation. By focusing on fun and on ease, you can maintain motivation and enthusiasm even during tough times.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorite mantras of all times not just in tough times, but in regular times as well is every day in every way. Now you've probably heard every day in every way. I'm getting better and better. I like to combine two of those and say every day in every way. Things are always working out for me, because they are. When I look back, everything in my life has always worked out for me, even if at the time I didn't think it did, or feel it did or believe that it did, it always did. So I go back to that. The mantra is I don't even know if it would be a mantra, but something that was taught to me from my coach, jim Fortin, and he learned it from his brother-in-law the shaman that everything has been, is now and always will be just fine. So that's another one of my anchoring statements that I use, and I use that in my business and my practice. I help my clients understand that as well. So here's where we bring it all together for you today, and I know we went a little bit over on the 10 minutes again, but with just one episode per week I can do that for you.

Speaker 1:

Building mental resilience. It's a journey that it requires commitment. Of course. You know we get very little in life without commitment. Commitment is one of the pillars, the foundations of success, we'll say, and that you know. It just doesn't require commitment. It requires practice as well. So by integrating the principles of integrative health and hypnosis, you can unlock your mind's full potential and achieve greater success in both your personal and your professional life. That's what it's all about here breaking boundaries in your personal life, your professional life, in your health and your career, and your wealth and your relationships all of that. We're here to help you with that.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to take the first step towards a more resilient and empowered mind by exploring the benefits of you know, not just integrative health and of course, if you're looking for a better wellbeing, then integrative health would be a great exploration for you. But if you're looking for that mental resilience, hypnosis would be a wonderful place to explore there, and I invite you to check out a complimentary consultation. I offer that to you at Love Energy Wellness. If you go to loveenergywellnesscom, click on the get started button, you can choose between a free, totally complimentary, no pressure, I'm not trying to sell you anything. I'm just trying to understand what your goals are, what your challenges are and explain how we can help. So you have the option for a complimentary consultation for health and wellness or a complimentary consultation for hypnosis, and if you're the kind of person that wants both, we can certainly create a custom program for you and combine the two of them, and together we can develop a personalized plan to strengthen your mental resilience and help you to be able to achieve your goals.

Speaker 1:

So remember, just like building your muscles in the gym or refining your skills as an athlete, training your mind requires consistency and commitment and dedication. But first start simple and focus on those positive concepts and let go of that resistance. Let go of that resistance and with time and practice you'll develop the mental strength needed to thrive in all areas of your life. So embrace the journey and let's build that resilient mind together. I appreciate you joining me today on Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Until next time, I want you to stay resilient, stay positive in your mindset and keep breaking those boundaries. Bye-bye everybody.

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