Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

41: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: The Dark Side of Aluminum Toxicity and Effective Detoxification Strategies

November 06, 2023 Jeffrey Mort Season 1 Episode 41
41: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: The Dark Side of Aluminum Toxicity and Effective Detoxification Strategies
Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
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Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
41: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: The Dark Side of Aluminum Toxicity and Effective Detoxification Strategies
Nov 06, 2023 Season 1 Episode 41
Jeffrey Mort

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Ever wondered about the items you use daily and their potential health impact? Aluminum, a common element in many products, can pose a serious threat to your overall well-being. Join us as we welcome Jeffrey Mort, a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and founder of Love Energy Wellness, who sheds light on the sources of aluminum exposure, its damaging health effects, and how to gauge your unbound aluminum levels. Jeffrey will guide us on how to eradicate heavy metal toxicity from our bodies safely and effectively.

In the second half of our enlightening episode, we delve deeper into the subject of aluminum toxicity. We uncover its detrimental impact on the body and nervous system, leading to behavioral changes and associated conditions. Jeffrey will help us understand the detection methods and the role of a customized nutritional plan in unbinding aluminum from the body. If you're dealing with brain fog, forgetfulness, or fear debilitating conditions like Alzheimer's, this episode is your essential guide. Tune in, and start your journey towards a healthier mind and body.

Minerals & Metals Test

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

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Ever wondered about the items you use daily and their potential health impact? Aluminum, a common element in many products, can pose a serious threat to your overall well-being. Join us as we welcome Jeffrey Mort, a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and founder of Love Energy Wellness, who sheds light on the sources of aluminum exposure, its damaging health effects, and how to gauge your unbound aluminum levels. Jeffrey will guide us on how to eradicate heavy metal toxicity from our bodies safely and effectively.

In the second half of our enlightening episode, we delve deeper into the subject of aluminum toxicity. We uncover its detrimental impact on the body and nervous system, leading to behavioral changes and associated conditions. Jeffrey will help us understand the detection methods and the role of a customized nutritional plan in unbinding aluminum from the body. If you're dealing with brain fog, forgetfulness, or fear debilitating conditions like Alzheimer's, this episode is your essential guide. Tune in, and start your journey towards a healthier mind and body.

Minerals & Metals Test

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
[Register here]

Support the Show.

As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

I know you're concerned about your health when it comes to things like brain fog, forgetfulness or more serious conditions like dementia, alzheimer's, als or even Parkinson's disease. Naturally, you'll want to listen to and share this episode as we dive deep into more root causes and how to apply integrative health to solve the wellness equation. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here, yes, so grateful for you joining me here today. My friend, welcome to another Mind, your Monday episode of Breaking Boundaries for Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs. I'm your host, jeffrey Mort, certified Integrative Health Practitioner, high Performance Health Coach, national Guild Certified Consulting Hypnotist and founder of Love Energy Wellness, a world-class private wellness practice. And this, my friends, is episode number 41 on the Breaking Boundaries podcast. And, of course, you'll want to stay to the end, as always, when we bring it all together for you on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for those show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. If you're new to the program, welcome, I appreciate you being here. And, of course, you're always welcome to invite your friends, your family, your loved ones here to the program. The more, the merrier. We are here about education and helping you to avoid failure and lead you to success with integrative health.

Speaker 1:

Today is very special because you're going to discover how one of the five most toxic and very common heavy metals can cause significant health problems, especially in the brain and with the central nervous system. Now, of course, the brain is part of the central nervous system, but this is a topic near and dear to me, as I witnessed most recently a parent at a much younger age, a grandparent, go through dementia and Alzheimer's. Now as an entrepreneur, there can be a boundary that starts as something as simple as brain fog and then that leads to forgetfulness, then to more profound memory issues and oftentimes leads to things like dementia, als, parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. And what we're talking about today is aluminum. Aluminum is one of the five heavy metals, alongside with cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic. Now I was going to just collectively talk about heavy metals today but you know that would end up being to talk about all five of those in one episode and want to get into the detail that I like to go into would be much more than the 20 minutes that I do my best to keep these episodes at for you because I value your time. So I will do other episodes on those other heavy metals, but today we're talking about aluminum. If you're struggling, or if you know somebody that's struggling, with things like headaches, joint pain, skin inflammation, especially red rashes, skin pigmentation abnormalities, tingling in the extremities and the fingers and toes, or nausea, vomiting, sweating, especially increased sweating or breathing difficulty, heart arrhythmia or palpitations, chronic inflammation or autoimmune issues I know that was a big list, but those are all synonymous with heavy metal toxicity. So today we're going to break down 10 sources of aluminum that you're exposed to on a daily basis. We're going to talk about the negative effects on the body. We're going to talk about possible chronic conditions related to aluminum toxicity and how easy it is to find out your unbound aluminum levels and what you can do as a safe and effective way to remove heavy metal toxicity. Now, as your guide, here we're going to get to the root cause of the problem and how I know about that. But first let me say that none of this information is medical advice or medical treatment plans or medical cures or medical diagnosis. But what we talk about is the underlying root causes of the problem. So let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

Sources of aluminum toxicity you might have guessed already that it could come from aluminum cans. That's right. Aluminum cans, pop cans, beer cans, whatever type of aluminum cans that your beverages or food products come in, are a major source of and that's why it's at the top of the list, but in no particular order here. A major source of aluminum ingested into the body. Also, food cooked on aluminum cookware. A lot of times, you know, I like to buy fish from the grocery market. A lot of times that fish is prepackaged in an aluminum container with a plastic lid with the intention that that aluminum container can go right into the oven and cook the fish. However, when that aluminum is heated up, the aluminum leaches into the fish. So absolutely, I never, ever, cook in aluminum.

Speaker 1:

Also, aluminum containing antacids, that's right. So those you know, those antacids and I'm not going to call out any manufacturers, but those antacids that you take, read the label and if there's aluminum in there in any shape or form, you absolutely want to avoid that. As well as antiperspirants, you know the armpits are one of the most sensitive areas on the body and when an antiperspirant containing aluminum is applied under the armpits, the skin is very permeable and that aluminum is getting into the body. So aluminum is actually added to municipal drinking water. Maybe not all municipalities, but most municipalities add some form of aluminum to the drinking water as a coagulant. That's the reason why. So you could certainly be taking this in through your tap water.

Speaker 1:

Baking powders is another major source of aluminum. So make sure you read the ingredient level or make sure you're buying a baking powder or your antiperspirant that says aluminum free. Also dyeing agents in salt and other products. Another source is processed cheese. Unfortunately, if you cheese lovers out there, processed cheese is a source of aluminum, as is bleached flour. And also I want to bring up the fact that you know, since we were talking about municipal water, a lot of municipal water supplies have fluoride attitude. They have fluoridated water supplies and I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole right now. But fluoridated water increases leaching of aluminum from cookware. It actually draws that aluminum out of there. So just know that when you're cooking and utilizing tap water you know maybe you're using an aluminum pan to boil tap water that fluoride is going to leach that aluminum out into that water and then it's going to get into whatever you're cooking.

Speaker 1:

So let's move on to how aluminum affects the body, the nervous system. Aluminum blocks the action, potential or electrical discharge of nerve cells, reducing nervous system activity. Very, very important to have heightened nervous system activity and you don't want that electrical action. Remember we are bioelectromagnetic beings and a lot of the functions in our body are electrical functions, chemically, electrically functioning cells transmitting information. Aluminum also inhibits important enzymes in the brain. Aluminum also may inhibit uptake of important chemicals by nerve cells, such as dopamine, norepinephrine and 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. So very, very important for those neurotransmitters to be able to communicate and transmit in between the cells, and aluminum can inhibit that uptake of those important chemicals.

Speaker 1:

Now for behavioral effects. A lot of times dementia is resulting from kidney dialysis related to aluminum toxicity and this causes memory loss, it causes loss of coordination and it causes confusion and disorientation. So yes, aluminum very, very toxic. It is a neurotoxin, has no business being in the body at any level. Now your digestive system is affected by aluminum as well, because aluminum reduces intestinal activity and by doing so can cause things like colic.

Speaker 1:

Moving forward here, conditions associated from aluminum toxicity. Early symptoms of aluminum toxicity include some simple things such as flatulence, believe it or not. Then moving on to headaches and dryness of skin and mucus membranes, having more tendency for colds, burning pain in the head which, interestingly enough, if you have a burning pain in your head and it's relieved by food, this could be a condition associated from aluminum toxicity Heartburn and aversion to meat, especially red meat. So later symptoms include paralytic muscular contractions, loss of memory and mental confusion. Other possible conditions associated with aluminum toxicity are Alzheimer's, als, anemia, hemolysis, leukocytosis yes, leukocytosis porphyria, colitis, even dental cavities. If you notice an increase in dental cavities, it could be a result of aluminum toxicity. I mentioned dementia again, but it's definitely under the possible conditions here. So that keeps coming up. Hypoparathyroidism, kidney dysfunctions, liver dysfunction, neuromuscular disorders, osteomalacia, peptic ulcers and, of course, parkinson's disease those are all possible conditions associated with aluminum toxicity.

Speaker 1:

So you might be wondering how do you detect aluminum toxicity? Well, there's debate whether blood testing for aluminum has much value whatsoever. Blood levels definitely do not indicate total body load of aluminum. Something that's called the minerals and metals test, also known as a hair tissue mineral analysis, is one of the better ways to look at aluminum toxicity or heavy metal toxicity in the body. Here, aluminum levels appear to correlate well with bone levels of aluminum. Several hair tests may be needed, though, before aluminum is revealed on the test, and this is because the aluminum may be tightly bound within body tissues and several months on a specific nutritional program might be required to mobilize that aluminum, and this is why we get into bio-individualized nutrition. If somebody has some of those conditions or symptoms or suspect heavy metal toxicity, then they might want to shift into a better nutritional plan that's going to help to unbind that aluminum and then show up in a hair tissue mineral analysis about two to three months later. So let's get into the plan.

Speaker 1:

You're probably wondering by now okay, we know that aluminum is toxic, we know the effects it can have on the body and we know how to detect it, and by now you probably understand how these things can be a business boundary, like how can somebody serve their clients themselves, their family, as their highest self with any of those issues? I always like to give you a plan to live life without those problems and in a moment, you're about to discover how to break that boundary. So, number one clean up your act. This is your call to action plan. Clean up your act, and what I'm talking about is your environment. Do your due diligence to be able to avoid aluminum. Play back this episode and listen to the list that I said, where most aluminum is prevalent in our life, and then clean up those environmental exposures like aluminum.

Speaker 1:

Can aluminum, cookware, antacids, antiperspirants. Have your municipal drinking water tested or, better yet, filter your drinking water. Look at the ingredients on the baking powders or the drying agents and salt. Stay away from processed cheese. Honestly, like American cheese isn't even cheese, it's a cheese product. Bleached flour, of course, and then you know your fluoridated water, as we spoke of earlier. So number two don't guess. You want to test.

Speaker 1:

A minerals and metals lab is so easy to do. It's a simple snip of hair and actually you know. If you're watching this on video, you realize that I have no hair because I choose to shave my head. However, twice a year when I run my minerals and metals lab, I actually let my hair grow out for about 30 days so that I have enough hair to be able to utilize one of these minerals and metals labs. Very, very simple to do. You can run these labs with your natural path at doctor. Any level two integrative health practitioner can do these and you can certainly reach out to me directly at Levenagewellnesscom and we can get you set up with a minerals and metals lab which I will actually link up in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Now number three in your call to action you would want to do a functional medicine, heavy metal detox. Unfortunately I can't link that up in the show because we mentioned diseases and things like that. So I can't link up any products. But I can link up the lab test. So I will put that in there. But you can find I can tell you where to find it the functional medicine, heavy metal detox. You can go to JeffreyMortcom, forward slash shop and follow the link to the wellness protocols and there you will find the heavy metal detox.

Speaker 1:

It's really easy to do. It's just a few supplements. It's very safe, it's backed by science. It takes about eight weeks, so just quick two months to be able to implement one of these heavy metal detoxes. It doesn't cause any adverse reactions or undesired the word detox has a connotation to it, where maybe you're not able to eat certain foods or you're not able to be away from the bathroom at all. That's not the case with this. This is easy, it's safe, it's backed by science, it's effective and, most importantly, it's guaranteed with a money back guarantee.

Speaker 1:

So I'm here, as always, to help you to avoid failure. That failure, in this case, looks like brain fog, looks like forgetfulness, looks like dementia, als, alzheimer's, parkinson's. We don't want that for you. We want you to have a success story. We want to help you to take control of your health, and I'm here to help you do that, as always.

Speaker 1:

So your three key takeaways from today's episode is number one aluminum is everywhere, and most tests that I see at our private wellness practice love, energy, wellness are. Out of the five heavy metals that we mentioned, aluminum is usually the highest on these tests, which means that it's everywhere and people are more exposed to that than the other typical heavy metals. Number two testing at home is easy and painless. And number three removing the heavy metal toxicity. It's safe and effective and easy. So that's it for today's episode. Stay tuned for the next episode of Breaking Boundaries, where we're going to be talking about Xenoastrogens as hormone disruptors. You're going to find that very interesting. I'm grateful for you being here today. Please share this episode and leave a review so that we can help more people and we'll see you next time to help you with Breaking Boundaries. Bye-bye, everybody.

Understanding Aluminum and Its Health Effects
Aluminum Toxicity and Detox Plan