Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

37: Discovering Our Bio-Electromagnetic Nature: A Path to Success and Wellness

October 23, 2023 Jeffrey Mort Episode 37

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Ready to shatter barriers and achieve limitless possibilities in life and business? Journey with me, Jeffrey Mort, into the fascinating world of integrative health, a realm where humans are not merely flesh and bone, but bio-electromagnetic beings intricately woven into the cosmic tapestry. Unlock the secrets of our complex connection to cosmic rhythms, and discover how your wellbeing is influenced by the harmony or discord with nature's resonance.

Imagine the power of understanding our existence on a bio-electromagnetic level, and how nurturing this connection can enhance our overall wellness. In this episode, we'll decode the six compelling reasons why we are considered bio-electromagnetic beings. We will explore how our nervous system, cellular processes, bioelectric fields, the heart's electromagnetic field, magnetic resonance imaging, and biofeedback and energy medicine contribute to this perspective and impact our health. As an entrepreneur, you will also learn how to balance your energy and optimize your wellbeing by addressing systemic imbalances in your body. Join us, and open the doors to a healthier, energetic, and more successful existence.

At home Health Tests

Heart Math Institute

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Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, entrepreneurs of the ever-evolving cosmos, welcome to another riveting episode of Breaking Boundaries. Today we delve into the symphony of our existence, exploring the profound notion that humans are not mere flesh and bone, but bio-electromagnetic entities intricately intertwined with the cosmic rhythms. Join us as we unravel the clandestine threads connecting our well-being to the harmony or discord with nature's residence. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business. Yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you. Because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, always grateful for you joining me here today. My friend, welcome to another Mind, your Monday episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs. This is episode number 37. And of course, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. Shout out today to our latest listeners of Breaking Boundaries in Boston, in Buffalo and Billings yes, that's Massachusetts, new York and Montana. Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you. Today you're going to discover six reasons why we are considered bioelectromagnetic beings and how to stay balanced and entrepreneurs. They can have a boundary of systemic imbalances in the body and there's always a root cause to these, and I'm going to explore those today. And how do I know this? Well, my background in electrical theory as a master electrician gave me a much better understanding of the electrical systems of the human body as I became an integrative health practitioner years ago, and just how important maintaining the electrical systems of the body is for optimizing our well-being. The idea that humans are bioelectromagnetic beings is based on the understanding that biological processes in the body generate electrical activity and are influenced by electromagnetic fields. Here are six aspects of human biology that contribute to this perspective.

Speaker 1:

Number one nervous system functioning. The nervous system is a complex network of neurons that communicate through electrical impulses. Neurons generate electric potentials during the transmission of signals, allowing for the rapid transmission of information throughout the body. Here, everything is energy and information. Now, the brain in particular is a highly electrically active organ. The electrical activity in the brain can be measured by using electroencephalography, which is EEG, which records the electrical patterns produced by the brain's neurons. Now, keeping the central nervous system balanced between sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system Now the first is the fight or flight mode and the second is the rest or relax mode is very, very important. Now, how do we do this? We do this through what we went through in our eight-part series on the de-stress protocol, such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, science-backed supplements and success mindset.

Speaker 1:

So moving on, number two cellular processes. Cellular activities, such as muscle contractions and communication between cells, involve the movement of ions across cell membranes. These ion movements actually generate electrical currents. The flow of ions is essential for maintaining the body's internal environment, and disruptions in these processes can lead to health issues. Now, this is where proper electrolyte ratios, such as sodium and potassium, play a crucial role here in this process, and we look at this by using actually a simple hair sample on something we call the minerals and metals test, and I can link that up in the show notes today.

Speaker 1:

Moving on, number three bioelectric fields. Every living cell generates a weak electric field and this field arises from the movement of charged particles, ions, as we just mentioned in number two, within and around cells. Studies have shown that bioelectric fields play a role in various physiological processes, including tissue repair and regeneration. Now I'm sure by now you realize how important cellular health is for optimizing bioelectric fields. This is where minerals come into play and especially where hormones come into play as well.

Speaker 1:

Number four the heart's electromagnetic field. The heart is a powerful electrical organ and its rhythmic contractions generate a strong electromagnetic field. This field can be detected and measured several feet away from the body. Research suggests that the heart's electromagnetic field may influence other people and even animals in close proximity. Very powerful way to tune into this is heart coherence. So this is getting the brain and the heart in synchronization with each other. You can learn more about that at the HeartMath Institute, and mindfulness also comes into play here as well as inflammation. Inflammation is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. So if the body is inflamed, if the heart is inflamed, if the arteries things like that are inflamed or calcified, then that inflammation is going to affect the heart's electromagnetic field. Really easy test you can do. Takes a couple of minutes just to do this test, but it's done right at home and it's called the inflammation test. It measures your body's level of inflammation. That will also be in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So number five magnetic resonance imaging. You may know this as MRI, and MRI is a medical imaging technique that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed images of the internal structures of the body. Now, just the mere fact that MRI can capture detailed images of soft tissues based on their response to magnetic fields, underscores the body's inherent electromagnetic properties. And now that I've passed my high performance health final exam and now that I'm certified as a high performance health coach, soon we'll be introducing high performance energy at Love Energy Wellness and discussing how to use head, torso and full body MRI without harmful contrast injections, mind you for increasing not only health span that's how healthy you are in your later years but also lifespan as well. So number six biofeedback and energy medicine.

Speaker 1:

Some alternative and complementary medical practices, such as biofeedback and certain forms of energy medicine, are based on the idea that the body's electro or bio electromagnetic fields can be influenced for therapeutic purposes. Now I have to play devil's advocate here. It's crucial to note that, while these practices may have perceived benefits, they are not always supported by rigorous scientific evidence. That being said, I've had personal experience with biofeedback, with craniosacral therapy, with Reiki and, especially, sound healing, and I can attest to the benefits of each of those. So, in summary, the concept of humans as bioelectromagnetic beings stems from the electrical and electromagnetic processes inherent in biological systems. The nervous system, cellular activities and the heart's electromagnetic field are just a few examples of how electrical and magnetic phenomena are integral to human biology. However, it's essential to distinguish between well-established scientific principles and speculative or, dare I say, pseudo-scientific claims when exploring these ideas.

Speaker 1:

Now for the plan for today's episode. How is this an energetic boundary? Well, if you're operating in a low vibrational state, if you are having difficulty healing or processing, even simply processing food, if you're more in a catabolic state, then that can be leading to a boundary in your life, in your business, how you show up in the world, and we don't want that. We want you to imagine life without that problem being in a high vibrational state of mind, state of being, having positive emotions and having healing energies throughout the body, having those biological processes not be inhibited by a low vibrational state. Now, in a moment, you're about to discover how to break that boundary. So, as always, I'd love to give you a call to action here, and the best way to be able to understand where you are in biological processes of the body and being a highly functioning bioelectromagnetic being is to do some tests you can utilize I did mention things like MRI if insurance doesn't cover those or if you are not in a diseased state. That's something that I'm going to bring you in the high performance energy practices that we're going to be implementing coming up very, very soon.

Speaker 1:

However, for now, what you can do is look at some of these at home functional medicine health tests. Yes, you can do these right at home. I will link up the Big Five, which is my favorite bundle of at home functional medicine health tests. You can do these right at home and you can get the results and understand exactly where you are and what the underlying root causes of those imbalances of your body, those impurities, those deficiencies and those toxicities and what those are. And, of course, these are run with either your local naturopathic doctor or they can be run with any level two integrative health practitioner, such as myself, and you get the results along with a personalized right. So we're talking about bioelectromagnetic beings. You get a bio individualized plan specifically based on your results not anybody else's your results from these at home health tests.

Speaker 1:

And then next you want to make the adjustments, the test results. They determine the proper functional medicine protocols, the proper Ayurvedic protocols, that basically the natural health protocols that are going to get you well, to be able to help rebalance those electrolytes and be able to reduce your body down to healthy levels of inflammation, be able to undo the overgrowth in the gut and other things, be able to eradicate things like mold and parasites and heavy dental toxicities and gut bacterial overgrowth, yeast and fungal overgrowth, things like that. You want to make those adjustments and that's going to help you to be able to rebalance and then your body is going to be able to do those biological processes much more efficiently and effectively. And then, last, you want to elevate. Once balanced in health, then you can optimize for performance and longevity. You can do this by using a biological age test this is a DNA test and then implementing some of the high performance health protocols in our upcoming Elevate High Performance Energy program. So test, adjust and elevate. Right, you're going to test, you're going to adjust, you're going to get so healthy that those imbalances, those you know, any dis-ease of the body will not be able to exist. Then you're going to be that healthy and then you can elevate to the next level and bring on some longevity, bring on some high performance, health and be able to have that energy and performance that you've been looking for.

Speaker 1:

You know I want to help you. I'm here to help you avoid failure. I'm here to make sure that your body's not being too catabolic, meaning using up its own resources to be able to survive and maintain itself. I want to make sure that you stay out of that declining health. I want to make sure that you know you're not getting on medications over as the years go by. Most people over the age of 50 are on three medications or more. So you know we don't want you there. We don't want you to be losing energy as you're getting older chronologically.

Speaker 1:

We want to hear your success story. We want to be part of that success story. We want to make sure that you're balanced. We want to hear your medical doctor tell you that you don't need your meds anymore because your numbers on their end are back down into the normal range or ideal range. You know, kind of tongue in cheek saying normal when it comes to conventional medicine, because so many people are not feeling normal yet their blood work says that they, you know, are in normal range, and that's just because they're not diseased just yet. And that's where functional medicine comes in, because we look at things at a functionally high or functionally low level and you know, we want you to be feeling better with each year that goes by. We want your biological age to say that you are younger than your chronological age and now that we are high performance health certified, we can help you do that as well.

Speaker 1:

So your three key takeaways for today you have an EEG, that is an electro field coming from your brain. You have an EKG, that is an electromagnetic field coming from your heart. You are an energetic process, a process of the universe, and I'm here to support you, to transform your mind, your body and your spirit with integrative health. So thank you for joining me today. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast. We will be diving deeper and introducing the concepts of high performance, energy from love, energy, wellness, our private wellness practice. I'm grateful for you listening today. Please share this episode with anybody you feel as though it can serve, educate and help, and leave a review, if you can on your favorite podcast platform. There it is so that we can help more people, because that's what we're here to do. We'll see you next time to help you with breaking boundaries. Bye, bye, everybody.

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