Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

27: Unleashing Success: Harnessing the Law of Attraction and Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

September 18, 2023 Jeffrey Mort Season 1 Episode 27
27: Unleashing Success: Harnessing the Law of Attraction and Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs
Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
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Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
27: Unleashing Success: Harnessing the Law of Attraction and Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs
Sep 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 27
Jeffrey Mort

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What if the secret to your entrepreneurial success is hiding within you, waiting to be unlocked? Today's journey into the heart of entrepreneurship takes a metaphysical turn as we navigate the thin line between the law of attraction and the pursuit of success. Your thoughts and feelings, your focus - they're not just transient states of mind. They're the powerful forces shaping your reality. As we explore our bioelectromagnetic nature and the quantum realms of intention, you'll discover how to wield these forces to transform your business journey and attract the outcomes you yearn for.

Ever felt trapped in a limiting pattern, as if your own success story is just beyond your reach? We're here to promise you that it's not. The second half of our discussion is dedicated to helping you break free from those chains that hold you back. You'll understand the importance of cultivating feelings of abundance rather than dwelling on lack. You'll learn to focus on what you want to have, rather than what you lack — a simple shift that can unlock unprecedented levels of achievement. To top it all, we explore how hypnosis can enhance the law of attraction, reprogramming limiting beliefs and strengthening visualization. This isn't just our episode, it's your step towards breaking boundaries and stepping into the success you deserve.

NeuroTRUST Method of Hypnosis

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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What if the secret to your entrepreneurial success is hiding within you, waiting to be unlocked? Today's journey into the heart of entrepreneurship takes a metaphysical turn as we navigate the thin line between the law of attraction and the pursuit of success. Your thoughts and feelings, your focus - they're not just transient states of mind. They're the powerful forces shaping your reality. As we explore our bioelectromagnetic nature and the quantum realms of intention, you'll discover how to wield these forces to transform your business journey and attract the outcomes you yearn for.

Ever felt trapped in a limiting pattern, as if your own success story is just beyond your reach? We're here to promise you that it's not. The second half of our discussion is dedicated to helping you break free from those chains that hold you back. You'll understand the importance of cultivating feelings of abundance rather than dwelling on lack. You'll learn to focus on what you want to have, rather than what you lack — a simple shift that can unlock unprecedented levels of achievement. To top it all, we explore how hypnosis can enhance the law of attraction, reprogramming limiting beliefs and strengthening visualization. This isn't just our episode, it's your step towards breaking boundaries and stepping into the success you deserve.

NeuroTRUST Method of Hypnosis

Join us for the 2024 Reimagining Health Summit, hosted by the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, from October 23-25 in Orlando, FL. Experience cutting-edge wellness innovations, interactive exhibitions, and inspiring talks from top experts. Network with like-minded individuals and connect with health practitioners. Use code LIVE100 to save $100 on tickets. Secure your spot today!
[Register here]

Support the Show.

As a token of gratitude, of course you’re interested in these FREE and powerful resources:

> Naturally, you’ll want to join our Love Energy Wellness Community and Support Group for daily support!

> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required

> You’ll discover a new level of self, after your FREE 2-Part audio training for Confidence!

> As you already know, you can lean more about Integrative Health on our Blog

> I know you’re concerned about your future. Schedule your FREE Consultation with Jeffrey

> Health Coaches: add Functional Lab Testing to your practice today!

Speaker 1:

Welcome, fellow entrepreneurs, to another mind-expanding episode of Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs. Today, we delve into the abyss of the human mind once again, exploring a paradox as old as time itself. The enigmatic interplay between the law of attraction and the relentless pursuit of success Wrap in as we unravel the secret, a truth so profound it's often overlooked and may well be the very force that repels your ambitions. In this episode, we shall uncover the hidden threads that connect the quantum realms of intention with the tangible world of achievement. As we learn to harness the vibrational energy of our aspirations, care to witness transformative shift in your entrepreneurial journey as we leverage our focus from the problem to the irresistible allure of the solution. This episode promises to unlock the doors to a realm where success is not just a goal but a magnetic force that beckons us ever closer.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, I'm always grateful for you joining me here. Welcome to another Mind, your Monday episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs. This is episode number 27. And, as you already know, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. So a big shout out today to our listeners in LA, california, ashburn, virginia and Birmingham no, not Birmingham, alabama, but Birmingham, united Kingdom. So a shout out to our international listeners today as well. And for you listening wherever you may be, a big shout out to you. I appreciate you being here. So today you're going to discover how what you want to attract in your life is actually repelling it further away from you, and what you can do about it. That's right.

Speaker 1:

Many an entrepreneur has this boundary. They're actually repelling the very things, the very outcomes and experiences that they want in their life and in their business. By doing this one thing, they may want better health, or it may be wealth or business success. It may be better relationships or physical items like a home, a car or money. Those are some of the most common things that people want, but why do they not have these things yet, even when they've been using self-help books like Think and Grow Rich? I actually have a copy of it over here behind me on my on my Rolltop desk, if you're watching this on video Fantastic book. I learned so much from that book Think and Grow Rich but it didn't make me rich. People have even watched documentaries like the Secret that's based on the law of attraction. If you've never seen that Fantastic, fantastic documentary, but why are they still getting the same outcomes? If every person that read Think and Grow Rich became rich, well then that would be an even better book than it is, than it already is. And again, not knocking the book or the concept there's so many valuable lessons in there, in the 15 chapters. I believe that's in that book and it's been a while. Maybe I'll revisit it.

Speaker 1:

But to get to the root cause of the problem, I want to bring to your attention something that Nikolo Tesla said. And Nikolo said that if you want to better understand this world, you need to start thinking in terms of frequency and vibration, and he recognized that we live in a world that is purely frequency and vibration. Einstein knew this, good old Albert Einstein, and so did Max Planck. Max Planck was the originator of Quantum Theory, won a Nobel Prize, I believe in 1918, for his concepts and discoveries for Quantum Theory. And it's clear that humans are bioelectromagnetic beings made of mostly empty space, as detailed by quantum physics. If you understand that concept, we are pure energy and where energy flows is what expands in our lives. You probably thought I was going to go with some, you know some crafty poetic saying that's been coined before about where energy flows. But where energy flows is what expands in our lives, and thoughts that we have, in feelings that we have, are energy.

Speaker 1:

The fact is that we get what we think about, whether you like it or not, whatever. Whatever you're considering, whatever you're thinking about wherever your attention, is all right. So thoughts are your attention. Wherever you're holding, your attention is what you get, like it or not. So where is most people's thoughts and feelings? When they want something? On not having it? Their thoughts and feelings are on the absence, I'm sorry, the absence of the thing. They have feelings of lack, they have feelings of worry, they have doubts and fears and they're playing victim to circumstance. Now I'm no different than anybody else, like I've had these thoughts and these feelings when I wanted something and relished in the fact that I didn't have it, and got into worry and feelings of lack and doubts that I'd never have these things and I realized that this is what was keeping me stuck.

Speaker 1:

And then, you know, we get into feelings like feeling bad about not having things, and we share about it with our friends or our coworkers and them. We're always talking about it and even, you know, some people even blog about it and they start groups about it. You know the war on this, the fight for that, and you know. But what if? What if there were no worry? What if there were no fears? What if there were no doubts? What if there were never any feelings of lack? What if, instead, all of that energy that was focused on, you know, fighting against something or the war on something, what if all that energy was now focused on the having of, or the goodness the having creates, or the feelings of already experiencing the outcome?

Speaker 1:

Imagine being immersed in those thoughts and feelings all day, every day, living from possibility 100% of the time. This is where the magic happens, my friend. Feeling good is the work. And I really wish that there was a 16th chapter in think and grow rich and the title was changed to think and grow and feel rich, because that's really where the magic happens, that's where that transformation happens and that's where so many people fall off is they don't understand that feeling good is the work. But how do we put this into practice in our busy day to day lives being entrepreneurs, being parents, or maybe you're a full-time employee and trying to become an entrepreneur how do we know what structure can help us tap into this energy field of all possibility and activate that universal law of attraction? So, as you already know from our time together here in the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs, hypnosis is a clinically proven, science-backed psychological technique that involves subconscious reprogramming by inducing a trans-like state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility in an individual.

Speaker 1:

It can be explored in the context of the law of attraction as a way to enhance focus and generate positive feelings associated with desired outcomes. So today I'm gonna give you right here. I'm gonna give you seven ways hypnosis can enhance the law of attraction. Number one enhancing focus. No surprise there. Hypnosis can help individuals concentrate their attention on specific thoughts and goals related to the law of attraction by inducing a state of deep relaxation and focus. And it's not so much about relaxation, it's more about imagination and focus. It becomes easier to eliminate distractions right those distractions that are drawing us more towards the feelings of not having something or our attention being focused on the lack of something and eliminate those distractions and then maintain a clear mental image of what one wants to attract in their life. This heightened focus can be beneficial for strengthening one's commitment to their desired outcome.

Speaker 1:

Next number two generating positive emotions. Hypnosis can evoke positive emotions and feelings associated with the desired outcome. When individuals immerse themselves in a hypnotic trance, they become more receptive to positive suggestions and imagery. So there's that word imagery ties into imagine, and this imagining, this imagery, can lead to the creation of a more positive and optimistic mindset which aligns with the law of attraction's principle that like attracts like. Next number three reprogramming limiting beliefs. This is one of the best parts that I get to enjoy working with clients doing hypnosis through a neurotrust method of hypnosis, reprogramming limiting beliefs. Hypnosis can be used to identify and reprogram those limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may hinder the law of attraction's effectiveness. Through hypnotic suggestion and visualization, individuals can replace these limiting beliefs with more empowering and positive beliefs that support their goals.

Speaker 1:

Number four strengthening visualization. A lot of people have a really difficult time being able to visualize things, and I get a lot that they say. When I close my eyes, all I see is darkness and I have a difficult time to visualize the things that are being suggested to me. And there are ways around that. But knowing getting that feedback from a client lets me know what level of work we need to accomplish with them. Visualization is a key component of the law of attraction, and hypnosis can help individuals visualize their desired outcome with greater clarity and emotional intensity. So turning up that emotional intensity is very, very important in this step of strengthening visualization. This process can make the mental imagery more vivid and realistic, reinforcing the belief that the desired outcome is attainable.

Speaker 1:

Number five boosting confidence and self-efficacy. Hypnosis can enhance an individual's self-confidence and belief in their ability to manifest their desires, as confidence is a crucial element of the law of attraction. Hypnosis can assist in removing doubts and increasing self-efficacy, making it easier to attract what one desires. And I'll talk a little bit more about doubt as we move on, but I want to get to number six and number seven here for you. Number six stress reduction. Hypnosis can reduce stress and anxiety, which can otherwise hinder the effectiveness of the law of attraction. Does that make sense? Stress and negative emotions can create resistance and block the flow of positive energy. So here we are again back to that energy flow. And hypnosis can also promote relaxation and emotional balance, things that we talked about so far, going through our de-stress protocol on healthy Thursday episodes right, Relaxation and emotional balance, that rest phase, that emotional balancing phase, and this allows for a smoother manifestation process.

Speaker 1:

And number seven consistency. I talk about this principle. Consistency in my Confident Coach Business Mentorship Program with my students over there, and how. Consistency in your brand awareness and in your marketing. So consistency ties into hypnosis as well, and hypnosis can serve as a structured and consistent practice for individuals working with the law of attraction. Regular sessions can reinforce positive beliefs and intentions. So we're talking about intention here. Intent is very important in this process and this helps to maintain a focused and positive mindset over time. So I do wanna say that it's important to approach the use of hypnosis in conjunction with the law of attraction with a very open mind.

Speaker 1:

While there is often debatable evidence supporting the direct connection between hypnosis and quantum entanglement. Many people find value in using hypnosis as an effective psychological tool to enhance their mental and emotional state, which can align with the principles of the law of attraction. So you're called to actions today, my friends, is where is your attention? Be aware of the thoughts, be aware of the feelings, be aware of those beliefs that are not serving you, and practice staying out of worry, staying out of doubts, staying out of fears. Those are all dream life crushers. And next shift to a mindful state of peace, abundance and prosperity. You cannot be rich until you feel rich. Rewind that, listen to that again, be confident that things are always working out for you and act and feel as if it's already done. So if you wanna know what this is like, you have the choice to discover more about our NeuroTrust method of hypnosis on a completely complimentary consultation.

Speaker 1:

I'll link that up in the show notes and I wanna let you know that I am here to help you avoid failure.

Speaker 1:

I don't want you to keep repeating the same unwanted patterns and outcomes in your life or in your business. I want you to be able to get what you want in life, like if you're repeating those same unwanted patterns and same unwanted outcomes over and over and over again. Like what are you hoping to gain by doing that? I want you to be able to share your success story. I wanna hear that success story. I wanna help you with that success story because I am 100% committed to your success and that's why I show up here twice a week on this podcast for you, to help you with your success story, and I'm grateful for you being here today. Please share this episode with anybody that you feel it could serve, and if you could just leave a review on your favorite podcast platform, I'd appreciate that so much and that is not for me, but so that we can help more people, and we'll see you next time with Break Game Boundaries. Bye-bye.

Law of Attraction for Success
Achieving Success and Breaking Boundaries