Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
Welcome to Breaking Boundaries, the groundbreaking podcast for Entrepreneurs that can transform your mind, body, and business with the power of integrative health.
Jeffrey Mort, Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, High Performance Health Coach, Consulting Hypnotist and widely considered a leader for coaching entrepreneurs to optimum wellness and performance, hosts this podcast that is specifically designed for Entrepreneurs who are looking for that unfair advantage. By uncovering underlying root causes and limitations, you'll discover how to break through your boundaries in health, mind and business.
Whether you're struggling with stress, chronic health issues, lack of energy, low confidence and self worth or simply looking to take your personal performance and business to the next level, Breaking Boundaries will provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration you need to begin your sustainable transformation.
Drawing upon the best of modern science and ancient wisdom, each episode of Breaking Boundaries will delve deep into the world of integrative health and brain science, exploring the latest research, proven practices, products and techniques for achieving optimal health and new ways of being. From wellness and longevity, to unlocking the power of the subconscious mind, this podcast will offer actionable steps to keep you healthy, focused and performing at your best.
Now that you're ready to break through your limitations and become your future self in life and business, join us on Breaking Boundaries. Together, we'll transform your mind, body, and business with the power of integrative health.
Breaking Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
18: Rewriting the Entrepreneurial Health Code: The Power of Detox and Integrative Health
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Do you feel like you're constantly battling health limitations? Are you always wondering what's holding you back? As entrepreneurs, we understand this struggle, and that's why, in this episode, we're breaking down barriers and challenging the status quo. This is a deep dive into the world of integrative health and detox, exploring their role in paving the way for next-level performance. Join me, Jeffrey Mort, as we discuss the real culprits – toxins, their effects, and the significant role they play in many chronic health symptoms. We'll navigate through the stark truths about the man-made chemicals in our environment and even the toxins found in unborn babies. Brace yourselves as we uncover the power of our vital organs - skin, lungs, liver, and kidneys in the detox process.
This episode is your opportunity to raise your bar, not just in terms of health but in business too! Get ready to break boundaries with integrative health. Tune in, and let's get started on this empowering journey together.
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> You might be wondering just how full your Toxin-Tank may be: Take your FREE Toxicity Assessment to find out - no email required
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Welcome boundary breakers, to another enlightening episode where we re-embark on a transformational journey through the synergistic realms of vitality and entrepreneurship, unraveling the enigmatic connections between bodily toxic burden and the awe-inspiring symphony of success. As daring entrepreneurs, you forge the path to greatness and you often find yourselves teetering on health limitations, hindered by the subtle yet pervasive shackles of toxins. Let this episode serve as your compass, guiding you through the uncharted territory of a purified body and a galvanized spirit, propelling you towards holistic accomplishment. Prepare to embrace the power of functional medicine and together will shatter the boundaries that confine both body and business. Hello, I'm Jeffrey Mort. If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're busy taking care of business, yet who's taking care of you? If you're ready to take your energy and performance to the next level in your life and your business, then this podcast is for you, because today you're going to start breaking boundaries of your mind, body and business with integrative health, and when you do that, your possibilities are limitless. I'm grateful you're here. Yes, as always, I am grateful for you joining me here today.
Speaker 1:Welcome to another Healthy Thursday episode of the Breaking Boundaries podcast for entrepreneurs. This is episode number 18. And, of course, as always, you'll want to stay to the end when we bring it all together on how to avoid failure and reach your next level of success with integrative health. And for all the show notes and links from today's episode, visit JeffreyMortcom and click on the podcast button. So most entrepreneurs have a boundary that's bogging them down. And what am I talking about here? I'm talking about toxic load, toxic burden, total toxic burden to be specific, and today you're going to discover the root cause of many of the most common chronic health symptoms, the importance of toxin removal, as well as why this is an inside job as we discuss one of my favorite topics of integrative health. That's right, toxin removal. I could talk about this for days, but I'm not going to today. I'm just going to keep it concise and I'm going to link up all kinds of resources for you where we can expand your knowledge on toxin removal. And this episode is part four of our eight part series about the de-stress protocol, or part four of eight in our de-stress series for diet, for exercise, for stress reduction, for toxin removal, for rest, for emotional balance, for science-backed supplementation and, of course, success mindset. This is the foundation of what we learned as we become a level one integrative health practitioner and then, of course, level two is the at-home functional medicine labs, which you hear me speak so highly about. But the de-stress protocol is. It's foundational for energy, for performance, for wellness, for weight loss, for longevity.
Speaker 1:And let me ask you something Can you relate to feelings of low energy, of brain fog, things like low mood, low libido, being bloated and gassy, having trouble losing weight, waking up, feeling tired and just feeling not how you want to? And if the answer is yes, just because that's common doesn't mean that it's normal. These are not signs of aging, but signs of toxic overload. And where do these toxins come from? Well, there's over 100,000 man-made chemicals in your regular environment today, and you don't have to be working at a chemical factory to be exposed to these 100,000 man-made chemicals. We're going to talk about how you get exposed to these in your day-to-day, whether it's at home or at work, or in the city or even in the country. The chemical industry is approaching a $500 billion a year point in its growth and it's expected to grow like 10 or 15% in the next five years. So that's crazy $500 billion the chemical industry is estimated at.
Speaker 1:And where are these chemicals going? They're going into your air. They're going into the water that you drink. They're going into the food that you're eating and the beverages that you're drinking. You're getting toxic exposure from cosmetic products that we put on our body and we're gonna talk a little bit about that today, especially the ladies. Close to 500 chemicals are applied to their body before they even leave the house, and I'm gonna link up a handout that we use in our private wellness practice showing exactly what products have how many different chemicals in them. Now, men, a little bit less, but close to 100. If you're using shampoo in the morning and deodorant and shaving cream and toothpaste, that's close to 100 chemicals that you're exposing your body to. Now I wanna go in a little bit different direction here. I wanna talk about a study, and it was called 10 Americans and this was done by the environmental working group, and the 10 Americans study was done on just that just only 10 Americans and they found north of 400 toxic chemicals in the blood of these 10 Americans. Now you might be thinking that's kind of random, but the interesting part about this study spoiler alert here is that those 10 Americans were unborn babies and the blood was taken from their umbilical cords and they found that these babies were being born already toxic, and that's coming from the environment, that's coming from the mother that's carrying the child in her womb. So I'm gonna link up that program for you so you can watch the presentation from the environmental working group on the 10 Americans study.
Speaker 1:So how does our body process toxins? Four main organs help us process our toxins. First, our skin. Yes, the skin is an organ, it's the largest excretory organ of the body and then we have the lungs, then we have the liver and then we have the kidneys. And we're gonna talk specifically about the liver today. But your skin can get clogged from all those products that we're putting on our skin. Our lungs can be inflamed if we're having issues such as asthma or anything else. Our kidneys can get taxed from the fluids that we're putting in our body. And our liver, our liver can become deficient.
Speaker 1:And the liver is probably the most important out of all of those four organs. And there's a saying in Ayurveda so goes your liver, so goes your health. And that's a very important key point to remember, because your liver really determines the health of your liver, really determines the health of your overall body, brain, mind, and so you might be wondering how do you fix or how do you find out your toxic burden. And that's really easy to do. We made it really easy for you and that you can go to our website and take our free toxicity assessment, no email required whatsoever over there. You can just go right over there and click on the link and start to answer the questions. There's maybe 20 or 30 questions in the toxicity assessment and I will link that up in today's show so you can find out your total toxic burden.
Speaker 1:Now you also might be wondering well then, what, jeff, once we find out our total toxic burden, then what do we do? Well, the answer is simple let's detoxify. But the more complex answer is how? How do we detoxify? Well, the first thing we wanna do is we wanna avoid as many toxins as possible, and that might sound a little bit overwhelming to you or a little bit confusing. I'm gonna make that really easy and I'm gonna link up a document that lists the toxic chemicals that you're most commonly exposed to and that you want to avoid and where those are found, and this is really easy to look at. And this goes to say that you wanna start reading the ingredients lists, not just of the food that you're eating and, of course, if you're eating more whole foods, if you have, let's say, a head of lettuce, well that's a single ingredient, so you really don't have to look.
Speaker 1:But you can sometimes look at the ingredients. Like, I was surprised to find that the salmon that I was eating was packaged with chemicals to help preserve it, and I knew that I didn't want to be eating those chemicals. So I found a different source for the wild caught salmon that I was eating. But you would think wild caught salmon would just be one simple ingredient in there, but lo and behold, there were other preservatives that were put in there to keep it fresher longer. So avoiding those toxins and then, of course, moving into toxin removal, and you can do some things like dry brushing.
Speaker 1:Dry brushing is a really simple way to activate the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is very interesting. It's one of the few systems in the body that does not have a pump and it requires action and motion to be able to activate that lymphatic system. You can certainly go for lymphatic drainage, massage therapy and have that work for you. Or the dry brushing is a simple technique that moves the lymphatic system towards the heart so that the heart can collect into the blood, these toxins, and then those toxins can get moved into the liver and the liver can filter those out. We're going to talk specifically about that coming up.
Speaker 1:Some other ways to detoxify would be Epsom salt baths, which are a great way to do that, very relaxing. Another way would be sauna. So, whether it's dry sauna, hot sauna, infrared sauna, sauna with red light therapy, I can also link up. You know what I'll do. I'll link up our resource page, because our resource page has all of these applications over there Dry brushing, one of my favorite Epsom salts that I use. We also even link up our sauna over there, and these are not super expensive saunas. These are very reasonable because they are single person, pop-up, portable saunas. They have infrared technology in there and they also have red light therapy. I have one myself and I use it three to four times a week and it's absolutely amazing for regeneration, rejuvenation, toxin removal, restoration. That's a fantastic way to go about your week in a healthy protocol. So I'll link up the resource page.
Speaker 1:And then, of course, diet. You want to be able to clean up your diet and not be eating processed foods, but if you're eating cruciferous vegetables, those have detoxifying compounds in them. So you might be asking what's a cruciferous vegetable? The category has things like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts. What else is in there? Asparagus I know that there's more in there, but those are the four main ones that I use for myself. So that's something you can do for your diet.
Speaker 1:And then, of course, the granddaddy of all detox protocols is a 21-day functional medicine detox protocol, which is going to be your biggest win doing a functional medicine detox protocol. So what's a functional medicine detox? What does that look like? You can easily go over to our Total Body and Mind Reset Transform page. It's actually loveenergywellnesscom forward slash transform. You can learn all about it over there. But this is an amazing functional medicine detox protocol formulated by Dr Cabral, my mentor, and he spent years and clinical practice putting this together and he's had this actually in action for well over 10 years. So there's been hundreds of thousands of people that have reached their level of health success through this functional medicine detox protocol. And it's actually the first step that we take. I should say the second step we take our private wellness practice clients through. First step is functional medicine lab testing so we can get our baseline, and then the next step is the functional medicine detox protocol so we can begin to remove toxicities and replace deficiencies in the body. And it's absolutely amazing. But the body is a biological process and so is functional medicine.
Speaker 1:Detox Toxins are fat soluble, so they get into our body and they are fat soluble and they cannot leave the body until they become water soluble. And it's the liver's job to make that conversion with these toxins from fat soluble to water soluble. And if the body can't make that conversion, what's it left to do? What choices does it have with these toxins is only one, and that's to store those toxins in the adipose tissue, the fat tissue of the body. And this is where we get things like toxic weight buildup and the toxins will then launch autoimmune issues in the body and then we end up with symptomatic expression of these toxins being stored in the body. But the liver needs phase one and phase two nutrients. Phase one is converting those toxins from fat soluble to water soluble and it also requires phase two nutrients. Not gonna get into the specific nutrients that the liver needs today, because then the show would be about twice as long.
Speaker 1:But let's talk just for a moment about the liver's job in the body, and I said that its job is to filter the blood so that it can remove toxins. Well, how much blood does the average size person have? About 10 pints of blood in the average size person. How long does it take the liver to filter those 10 pints of blood? It does this job once every six minutes. It cycles all 10 pints of the blood through liver once every six minutes. So that's more than 87,000 times per year that your liver filters all of your blood. Now let's go macro here. That's more than 4.3 million times by the age of 50. That's amazing, just to conceptualize that. Now let's go the other direction. Your liver filters all 10 pints of your blood more than 22,000 times every 90 days.
Speaker 1:Now let me ask you this when was the last time you changed the oil in your car? Every 5,000 miles, or when it tells you to, when that little prompt comes on and tells you it's time for an oil change and hopefully you're changing the filter along with your oil, because if you're not, that's like putting a dirty diaper back on a baby. And, of course, when was the last time that you gave your liver some love? It's telling you that it needs some all the time, but are you listening? The sad truth is that we take better care of our vehicles than we do our bodies and we pay little to no attention to the warning lights like low energy and brain fog and poor sleep and low libido and hormonal imbalances, and we chalk them up as part of getting old, maybe, as your primary care physician may have told you, but that's not true. That's not true whatsoever.
Speaker 1:So I, like I said, I love talking about this topic. I could go so deep on this, but what I did is I put together a completely free course on the functional medicine detox and I will link that up in the show notes of today's episode, and this explains how the functional medicine detox works, where it comes from, what it does for you and how it's different from cleanses, how it's different from keto, how it's different from juicing and how it's different from detox teas. The detox is actually a seven day process and you heard me mention 21 days and what happens is you do the seven day process three weeks in a row to bring you to a 21 day functional medicine detox. So it's clear that regular maintenance either daily, weekly, quarterly or annually and is very important for our health, and we can do this daily, weekly, quarterly, annually, maintenance on our liver very, very easily. I do an extended fast every day, I do intermittent fasting on a daily basis, so 12 to 16 hours overnight, my intermittent fast. So that's to remove toxicities, get my body into a slight state of autophagy. And I'm also using what we refer to as our DNS, our daily nutritional support powder, and that helps to replace those detox, replace those deficiencies and also detoxify, because it's got some detoxifying properties and it's giving our my body the phase one and phase two nutrients that the liver needs to be able to do this process.
Speaker 1:Now, on a weekly basis, I'll do a little bit longer fast and I'll go 24 hours. I will stop eating after dinner or say on Sunday evening, and then Monday morning I'll have a shake for breakfast with the DNS powder in it. I will have a shake for lunch. I'll also have an afternoon shake for a snack and then I get to eat dinner again on Monday evening. I'm not going a full day without eating, but I'm going a full 24 hours without eating and that's putting me into a longer state of fasting or autophagy, which is autophagocytosis, and I explain that process in depth in the free course that I mentioned.
Speaker 1:And then quarterly. I will do a detox every 90 days and we do this as a community. We do this. I recommend this for my private wellness practice clients at Love Energy Wellness and then we also do this in our Love Energy Wellness community and support group and if you're not a member, you can find that link in the show notes as well. Love to have you over there in that group. It's completely free, like-minded individuals over there, lots of questions and answers and weekly lives and all kinds of things there. And that's where we run our quarterly functional medicine detox with the entire community for Love Energy Wellness and then that's only seven days that we do that quarterly and then annually we will do in the community a 21 day functional medicine detox. Now, aside from the community, this is my regular health maintenance program that I do for myself and that I recommend to my private wellness practice clients.
Speaker 1:I do have to give you a disclaimer, because I did mention some names of diseases and conditions and syndromes and things like that in this episode. So this is completely not medical advice. I'm not a medical doctor. I don't claim to diagnose, treat or cure diseases, but what I can do for you is I can help you to remove those toxicities. I can help you to replace those deficiencies and I can help you to get your body so healthy that there's no possibility for any disease to exist in your body. So imagine life without those boundaries. Imagine life without low energy, without brain fog, without having poor sleep and waking up groggy and waking up tired, without having hormonal imbalances.
Speaker 1:This is absolutely possible for you and anybody. Anybody any of your friends, family, coworkers, colleagues children can all experience the benefits. Children necessarily not necessarily can do the functional medicine detox. There's usually an age limit of 18 and above for that process because we want the body and the liver fully developed, but there are things that children can do to detoxify on a regular basis. So your call to action here, my friends, today is to take the free toxicity assessment. Take that toxin assessment and see what you rank. There's only, you know, 20 questions you can go through very, very quickly and you can get your results and that will show you your total toxic load and whether you're a candidate for either the seven-day detox Now you can do a 14-day detox if you just wanted to do two weeks of this or the full 21-day functional medicine detox. I highly recommend that, if you're over 18, that you, and if you've never done a functional medicine detox before, that you absolutely go for the 21-day functional medicine detox and follow it exactly how it's laid out. It's very, very easy to do and it's amazing. It'll get you some results.
Speaker 1:Next, number two clean up your environment. Stop putting these toxic chemicals on and in our bodies and do your best Like there's no escaping the toxins in our environment. But you can certainly clean things up and start to avoid a lot of these toxins to reduce your total toxic load. And then, number three, get started with our guided do-it-yourself total body and mind reset functional medicine detox protocol. Or you're absolutely welcome to join us for our next seasonal community detox over at Love Energy Wellness in the community and support group. And of course, as always, I want to help you to avoid failure. Your body can only handle so much before. Your toxin tank can't handle the pressure and then it bursts like a pressure cooker and then the symptoms start to turn to dis-ease in the body. Or you can join the hundreds of thousands of success stories worldwide from the Dr Cabral functional medicine detox.
Speaker 1:Your three key takeaways from today's episode one you can't escape toxin exposure. You really can't. So that leads me to number two you must maintain your health by giving your liver some love and doing the things that are going to help you to be able to live a healthier life, a life of vitality. And number three, I want you to know it's really easy to take control of your health and that I am 100% committed to your good health. I'm grateful for you listening today. I truly am grateful, and please share this episode with anybody that you feel is at conserved your friends, your family, your loved ones, your coworkers, and if you could just take a minute and leave a review for us, that will help us to reach more people. You can leave the review on your favorite podcast platform and I will see you next time to help you with breaking more boundaries. Bye, bye, everybody.